where to find the Mama Bear's products

Try here:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/mall/departmentpage.cfm/traditionalshaving/_268140/1/Mama-Bears-Soaps" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/mal ... ears-Soaps</a><!-- m -->

But check a comparison of what it would cost buying direct. I bought the Unscented shaving soap in a bowl for £10.13 inc. post to the UK. from Mama Bear's site.
Try here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/mall/departmentpage.cfm/traditionalshaving/_268140/1/Mama-Bears-Soaps" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/mal ... ears-Soaps</a><!-- m -->

Personally I would rather shave with a broken bottle than pay £15 for a product that costs £5 per unit at source.
Alternatively, we have our own purveyor of quality natural shaving soaps on this site, a delightful lady who contributes under the name of SoapAlchemist.
Here is her site:-
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nannyssillysoap.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.nannyssillysoap.com/</a><!-- m -->

There are several reviews of her soap on this site.
Also, Henkverhaar is another quality soap maker (among many other skills I am sure) who also contributes to this site.
And finally, Sue (Mama Bear) herself is a registered contributor and can be PM'd through this site.
I hope you will find the above of some use - and welcome aboard!
as artisian glycerin based soaps go i'd say MB's is the best all round scent wise, but also worth considering is another Sue

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://cgi.ebay.com/Handmade-3-pc-U-CHOOSE-SCENTS-SHAVING-SOAP-Set_W0QQitemZ140360626960QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item20ae253310" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://cgi.ebay.com/Handmade-3-pc-U-CHO ... 20ae253310</a><!-- m -->

MamaBears also available from Paul here, postage might be cheaper for you?

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.winkelplein.nu/barbershopsuply/default.asp?sid=r8VRn2pREr0EBQGhFpMUOMoEebmiEk&page=categorie&id=129031" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.winkelplein.nu/barbershopsup ... &id=129031</a><!-- m -->


Clicked on that link and now I'm working out which 6 to order.

I feel as if I've been Rick-rolled!
Dear Sue,
How deeply I regret your assumption that there is a negativity towards you on this site - those of us who have tried you products here love the stuff - surely you have read the reviews?
Our only problem is the inflated price we have to pay to UK/EU providers - and that is hardly your fault!
Wishing you all the best for the future and a Happy New Year.


As far as I can see ALL the comments on this thread regarding the quality of Mama Bear's soaps are positive. That's ALL, not even most.

(Yes, price/availability are not great for us here in the UK but that is no reflection on the products themselves. One could argue that the very fact people are even considering high postage and a poor exchange rate shows how highly valued the soaps are.)

And what's the biker bit? Err . . . .

Biker Soap

Outstanding product, guaranteed no razor burn.... Well Harley!
I think Mama Bear may still be smarting from a response to her initial posts here. And don't I know how hurtful it can be to be attacked by someone you don't even know, and have never done any harm to.
Us ladies are clearly sensitive creatures, having a little difficulty navigating the rough and tumble of a generally all male club.
But thankfully there are several true gentlemen here with refined and kind souls, who mitigate some of the harsher attitudes very occasionally encountered.
I must get back to my soap pot now, as I'm nearly out of soap :shock: , thanks to brisk Christmas trade. I'm doing some experimentation with lotions at the moment, and hope to be able to offer an after shave balm in the not too distant future, which given the much smaller amount of essential oils needed for lotions as compared to soap, I may well scent with some of my jealously hoarded real Sandalwood.
So best wishes to us all for 2010!!
I was hurting still from that.. but still feel like an ass for making that post. My boyfriend broke up with me during the holidays and spent days crying.. this was wrong of me to lash out tho.. I want to apologize to everyone. Sue
Mama Bear I'm glad to see your latest post as I was a bit worried by your slightly odd rant. (I was just thinking that many people here like your soaps and you're going to have to try harder than that to put them off!) Your difficult circumstances explains it and I hope your situation improves in the coming year. What an awful time of year to break up. I'm very sorry for you.

On the wider point, as far as I'm concerned women are welcome, as are non UK-based persons, but the banter here IS both very male in general and very British in particular.

Personally, I've NEVER been offended by anything anyone has written here, but I HAVE been given pause to think and cause to laugh; there's not many places that can claim all three. Many things can offend me and also make to think and/or laugh; other things can make me think OR laugh, but not not both. This place genuinely gives me no offence and frequently reduces me to tears of mirth or a reconsideration of previously held views.

And all this is as well as the main business of shaving, which is goes on not so much undisturbed by the banter and backchat but is positively enhanced because of it.

Maybe it helps to be a British bloke (with shared culture, humour and assumptions) but then this forum was set up to be just that: a place for UK-based wet-shavers And we have ALL sorts of British blokes here - white/black/Asian, young/old, handsome/PigCat - there's no discrimination just a willingness to subscribe to the general ethos that (e.g.) values Carry On films over the Right To Bear Arms. We often disagree - there's no party line, doctrine, dogma or orthodoxy - but there is a pinch of salt and a cheesy emoticon to cover most contingencies and I think we all get along very well indeed. Can't really remember ever seeing a serious disagreement here, in fact.

So: onwards and upwards.

Happy 2010 everyone - and especially you, Mama Bear.

God bless
