When do I need to change blades

Robti said:
Hi just 3 shaves in to DE shaving and wondered when would I change the blade ?



I have a course, tough beard. I change my blades after 3 x goes. I'm sure they last a bit longer, but I don't feel the need to find out, and at my budget of paying less than 10p/blade, life really is too short for a durability session!
I never use a blade more than three times because my hair is coarse too. That's not to say they only last 3 shaves for everyone. Just try one until you start to feel it tugging (you'll know straight away) then it's time to change. Not very scientific but it worked for me. Good luck!
I usually replace the blade after three, most seem like they will go farther but I don't bother. Some use a new blade every shave, whist others eek theirs out longer and as it has already been said, some blades out perform others. It's a case of trial and error and see what works for you.
pjgh said:
As a general rule, rotate after three shaves.

As you progress, you'll get a better feel for how they're performing and may find some that give you more shaves, others might well give less for your tastes.

Spot on answer.

As a general rule it's three for me, I've pushed past with a Personna Lab and it still felt comfy enough.
I just use a blade for one or two shaves - two passes with a touch up. Reason being I de shave for the luxury of it all and trying to eek another shave from a blade isn't as important as enjoying the experience for me .
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