What to do with old blades?

It's not worth recycling old blades, the recovered metal is virtually nothing by weight, the environmental impact is minimal, and measured against the danger aspect to other people at the sorting centres it's simply not worth someone getting sliced up to save a couple of grammes of mixed metal which in most places can't be recycled anyway.

Put them in a safe container of some sort and then throw them in general waste when it's full. Some safe containers that see regular use here are:
Jam jars
Metal tins with a slot cut in them
Tailor made blade banks
Original blade dispenser
Piggy banks
When I first saw this post this morning my first reaction was to refer to the thread on the same subject a couple of months ago.. but then I thought that people new to the forum are bound to ask questions similar to or the same as previously covered, and if we simply refer to previous threads, the forum will become pretty boring.

So, my response is that I use a Feather Blade Bank - it's very similar to a money box but doesn't look so out of place in your shaving cabinet. Available at a very reasonable price on Ebay and you can (presumably) put them in a recycling bin when full.
Dicky said:
A feather blade bank, thanks will have a look on Ebay.

The top of the Feather bank is designed to be squashed thus closing the slot and rendering it safe to recycle. Most steel is picked out of the recycle bins contents by a magnet so as long as it's sealed....

If you place the blades in a jar you are creating a dangerous item; an easily breakable container full of extremely sharp, small items how would you dispose of it safely? in landfill?

If you are putting used blades in any container I would suggest it is one that is (relatively) unbreakable and can be very securely sealed. They make sharps boxes the way they do for good reasons.

As to being not worth recycling, a container full of razor blades will contain more steel than a baked bean tin, why then would it not be worth recycling?
Take a tin of tomato soup, puntcher the top with a sharp knife or other to make a slot wide enough for a blade to drop in.
Shake out soup and eat it with some bread or what ever you prefer, wassh can and rinse out a few times remove label if req'd ALL DONE.
One blade bank, thats what i did anyway.
Cheers kev.
Cheap metal money box from a pound shop....You can get them in varying sizes, I just post my used blades through the slot..when its full it will be sealed somehow..not decided on the method of sealing as of yet, The tin will hold a year or two of blades at the very least. Then the whole lot can go in the metals recycling bin....Pity to waste good quality steel, even if it is a relatively small quantity.....
Here is a pic of the blade bank I got from ebay and I can confirm that it is the metal one with the green leaves on, also the slot is big enough to take the Feather pro blades for the RG Club etc, [attachment=5908] here's the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Used-Blades-Container-/280999769864?pt=UK_Health_HairRemoval_RL&hash=item416ce43708
Dobbo25 said:
Here is a pic of the blade bank I got from ebay and I can confirm that it is the metal one with the green leaves on, also the slot is big enough to take the Feather pro blades for the RG Club etc, here's the link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Used-Blades-Container-/280999769864?pt=UK_Health_HairRemoval_RL&hash=item416ce43708

Ay that's the one, couple of whacks with a mallet and it'll be sealed tight.
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