what makes a soap a shaving soap

Like most Brummy's, you just need to use more soap. Anyway what's your excuse for being unshaven here, call that a beard? Have you been tinkering with that vespa again and just wiped your top lip?

Did you hack into my iSight webcam?


I'm pretty sure that's not a photo from facebook.


I'm flattered/impressed/spooked

Anyway, here's Tony relaxing on his single bed

Wait a minute, I don't see you as a member of Gunsngut.com or Topmullets.net.

Did you hack into my mum's photobucket album or are you also a member of the Michael Bolton fan club?

It's me all right, but I used the guitars as target practice after I heard 6 music was shutting down.

...the Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways.