What makes a good blade?

DamianJ said:
It seems as though people strive for a smooth shave with no irritation... certainly something I get with a few of the blades I've tried so far

Hi there,

You will sometimes hear a blade referred to as being 'forgiving'. Basically, for whatever the reason, some blades will give you more of a warning buffer than others. You know what i mean....it's the time you first feel like something ain't good, but you haven't messed up quite yet. We are probably talking tenths of a second or even faster.

Anyway, I don't usually wanna have to be worried about a blade drawing blood if I'm a trifle careless or nonchalant. This is also a good reason not to use a blade sharper than what you need.

I found that the secret to a good shave with a derby blade is to take it really really slow and prep the beard well. It will cut well just take your time. Sharper blades will feel smooth as they just go through the whiskers like butter but can give irritation. It is possible to get a great dfs with a derby. It does take a while to warm to them although and usually cut better on the second shave for me!
The ideal blade is sharp but very smooth, and never irritating. Slack technique can always lead to user-error irritation though.

Finding THAT blade is not always easy. I've been using Personnas for years and they're super comfy, if not the sharpest, but I can take as many risks as I like with them and they don't bite. Astras are sharper, but need a little more care.
Super Iridium's are kind of a mash up of the two.
I've just gone back to Perma Sharp Supers, and for me they seem to combine the best of all 3.

The right Razor helps too, some will feel different in different razors. Some won't.
I look for consistency from one blade to the next, I need to know that 99 times out of 100 they will be the same as the last one I used.

If the consistency is there I can work with just about any blade, I use a milder razor with the sharper blades or adjust other parts of the shave like how many passes or lather to suit the tools and job at hand.

My favourites are all pretty much like Personna or ones like them that are sharp enough but also cheap, smooth and consistent. Unfortunately the one for you will only be apparent through real and error but it is a fun adventure.
My go to blade is the Gillette 7 0'clock super stainless at mo. Seems to cut well, no irritation or weepers unless I push my luck and seems to shave pretty consistently for about 5-6 shaves. Not to keen on those blobs of glue tho, why do Gillette feel the need to glue the blade to the wrapper?

Gillette super thins are also pretty good.

Shark super stainless (the ones that come in card box rather than the plastic dispenser) are ok if you're on the ball with your prep/lather but otherwise a bit tuggy and only last around 2-3 shaves.
i used a scottish permasharp today (only second time)
the shave was horrible, tugged and hurt on two days growth WTG
XTG and ATG slightly better

but the result was imaculate

other blades the actual shave is better but the results not as good
Al H said:
i used a scottish permasharp today (only second time)
the shave was horrible, tugged and hurt on two days growth WTG
XTG and ATG slightly better

but the result was imaculate

other blades the actual shave is better but the results not as good

I have found this too rough feeling shave but really close
Like a good wine - what makes a good blade is one that works for you at a price you're willing to pay.

For me that's any one of (in no particular order) : Gillette Bleue Extra (NOS), Gillette Super Silver (NOS), Wilkinson Sword (UK, NOS), Gillette Superthin (Thai or Vietnamese), Astra Platinum, Nacet and Polsilver.

Got some Bolzanos to try - but not got around to it yet.
I was just thing about this issue this morning. AM shave was with my Feather Str8 and a Feather Professional Blade. 2 passes: 1WTG 1 ATG . And a great shave. Sharp, smooth ... But you need to be careful. The blade I usually use is the ProGuard. Sharp, real smooth, and you can be a little Careless!! 2passes ~ close. Which is better????
I ve found only 3 blades give me a smooth real close irritation free shave, regardless the razor used.

Astra sp
Gillette 7 super stainless
Personna blue

Sharper blades such 7 oclock yellow will irritate my skin.
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