What made your day a good one

Got a stray cat sitting out there in the grass this morning.

A neighbour took in a rescue cat, he had been blinded in one eye by a previous owner and distrusted all men. He is a very small cat and timid, nervous even of all other cats, it didn't help his raison d'etre that he had got out of his home and into another neighbours garage where he was locked in for two days without food or water and in the dark.

Today was a turning point, I was sat on my garden bench and he approached me, laid down and asked to be stroked, first time he has done this to anyone.
Well my day was good cos I got my face thoroughly mashed in. Wrong thread? No, I passed my 1st kyu grading in karate jutsu (mma in Japanese clothes). 2 hour 1:1 ordeal in front of the whole instructors class no pressure! I now have a nice scrolly certificate (that I designed and I have just seen a spelling mistake in one of the Japanese words). I probably won't be shaving for a couple of days though. Mrs wasn't impressed, told me to shove a couple of tampons up my nose so as not to mark the pillow!! (I didn't)
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Congratulations and hope you heal soon
Well done!

I had to watch a couple of videos to get what this sport is ... to me, it looks like Judo with the kinshi waza (forbidden techniques) put back in. Kicks, punches, elbows, gouges and joint entanglements. Or "traditional" Jujitsu before all that rolling around silliness became vogue with BJJ.

Your nose pain takes me back to my rugby days. Poor you, haha!
A woman in the office had a sponsored sing for Charity, she raised over £2000 singing Val Doonican songs which included Delaney's donkey, Paddy McGintys Goat and a song about a car that was 40 shades of green. Haven't laughed so much in a long time. She put her heart and soul into those songs.