What made your day a good one

Six year guarantees were good on some cathode-ray tube TVs but are they worth anything today? Comfort value is worth something, I guess, but the kit tends to be faultless, dunnit?
Started on my new stainless handle and pleased the way it is going. Also given a chunk of brass rod, and should be sufficient to make two bulldog style handles once the SS is complete. Found a knurling tool onboard while at it.

A happy kind of day
Cant wait to see the final product
Kind of nearly finished

And as posted on my SOTD

Still a bit further polishing when home and now moving on to a big brass bulldog kind of thing

What made today a good one? Using it

A new flight service route announcement with SQ that I'd like to do one day...
I remember my mom & dad watching this in '68. It popped into my head as these things sometimes do to us all. There was never a man so cool. Such a tragic end however. This song has it all.

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