What made your day a good one

Nice, we had a cat enclosure too when we had two cats. Great idea to keep them safe especially when we used to live near a busy road.
Today, I was in my local branch of Boots. I noticed that they were selling Tabac aftershave at 1/3 off the recommended retail price. It usually costs £15, but it was priced at just £8.99. Presumably, it was old stock, or they couldn't sell it for some other reason. I don't think that Tabac is a very popular choice of aftershave for most people these days, in any case.

Anyway, I thought "what a bargain", so I bought 2 bottles! It may or may not be popular, but I like it! At that price, I couldn't really say no!

That made my day a good one today.
I wouldn't say it was not popular, there are many among us that like Tabac in all it's form's, you got yourself a good deal there.

But safer than not vaccinated at all @TobyC
We all need a little help in our close communities.
For me the vaccine is about helping others as well as myself.

If we are not prepared to believe the science then what's the point?
PS I am not pushing this at all. Just my view.
The planet is gone anyway, our only hope is that there really are other-worldly beings who are not hostile, "coz let's face it - We aint changed much since the neanderthals. Me, me,me!
My countries annual recycling equates to about a days worth of "landfill or sea fill or deforestation or fosil fuel consumption" of any 3rd world country. Not including China, Russia, and any other high energy user, luckily, I have no kids so the younger generation can go for it, the planet will see me out.

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Err, world-renowned viable, and tested science, not Facebook social media nonsense.
No vaccine millions die, vaccine not millions die. It ain't rocket science, its pretty simple
I am not going there. I belive what I can believe to be true and I will help myself and those close to me.
I had my COVID jab yesterday (yeah, after the horse has bolted!) and today I've have hilarious sweats! I didn't need to put the heating on. Every little helps!
I had my latest COVID jab at the weekend. I was relatively fine the day after, apart from feeling a bit "knackered", but that soon passed. That happened when I had my other COVID jabs as well, so it was hardly unexpected. I would much rather put up with some moderate "teething troubles" from the jab, rather than risk catching COVID.