What made your day a crap one??

My condolences - terrible news
Freezer door hinge.

It is been doing a loud click when closing for a while, Mrs De has been saying 'fix it'. Such a lovely woman, I have told her to tear up the application form to work at the Samaritans.

Today the door wouldn't close at all, tried phoning a few people but no-one answered. Thought I had a spare hinge, held it against the broken hinge, not the same, opened it up, damn thing closed with a bang, trapped that soft bit at the bottom of my index finger, asked Mrs de to open it, she didn't have the strength, I pulled and pulled till I got my finger back.

Got hold of someone to fix a new hinge but that will be Thursday next week.

Ruddy famished, cannot open the freezer door and just had a rubbish cheese sandwich for lunch.

Finger throbs like mad, I think Mrs de must be related to Florence Nightingale, I told her my finger was hurting and she reminded me of Ms Nightingale so much when she said those very special words, 'serves you right'
That made me chuckle, I'm sorry!
I hope your finger and freezer are both in a better state soon!

On the positive side, at least the freezer door has stayed closed and hopefully all the food inside remains okay!

Man up, take the door off, fix it!!!
Today, it was time to change the blade on my beloved and trusted Gillette Mach 3 razor. That I have now done, just in time for my usual morning shave. The problem is, as always, that I always manage to cut myself at least twice whenever I shave with a new blade. Today was no exception, and it looks like I am in no danger of breaking that particular habit of a lifetime. I always seem to cut myself more around my mouth and nostrils, and I never cut myself on my neck or my cheeks.

I now have some gruesome-looking scars that even Freddy Krueger would be envious of. I am fully expecting him to send sympathy flowers. Thank God that I don't have to go out again until at least Monday. Hopefully, my "wounds" will have healed by then. I won't hold my breath, though.

Although I much prefer "proper" (wet) shaving, the ever-present risk of cutting myself still doesn't persuade me to go back to using an electric razor. I must be off my bloody head...