What made your day a crap one??

I've been an IT Engineer in the NHS for over 20 years. I brought in PC on every desktop. I brought in server virtualisation. I brought in 365 and cloud migration. I've gone from city-focussed Health Authority to full region-wide support, from general Technician to SME. Today was my last day as an Engineer as I'm taking a step upstairs into the Technology Office as a Technical Architect, one down from the CTO. Yes, at the same Trust (granted) but my last day today came and went without a sniff of thanks or good luck from my Manager.

We're predominantly remote workers, but I have a daily meeting with my team and we had a little send off this morning ... which was indeed nice, but nah! Nothing from my Manager. I've diligently helped her with handover and succession planning, way above and beyond what was necessary or expected. Nothing. Pah!

Well, here's to me! Twenty plus years in Engineering. Hopefully a good few more to come in Architecture and Strategic Planning.
She's female, doesn't like to see men advance, only women.
Not a nice way to be treated but you're on the up so look on the positive side.
I almost forgot the most important bit: congratulations on the promotion!!
Last week I had a pain in my chest, my doctor referred me for an electrocardiograph and I went today. That wasn't the reason for the bad day.

The person doing the test showed me to the test room and then said

'My name is Leanne, I will be doing your test today, is that okay?'

'Yes of course'

'It is just that two people asked for another person yesterday'.

Leanne was black.

She was also highly professional and excellent at her job. She has also caught Covid three times from the patients she has been testing for their heart conditions.

The sad reality of how some people disrespect others was never more apparent.
Fuck them, you know your worth. Look down on them from your promotion. And if they ask for help tell them you don't do engineering, but if they have a question about architecture and Strategic planning I may be able to help.
Aye I am a stubborn bastard, piss me off and I will go out of my way to inconvenience you even if it means I am inconvenienced.
Jesus christ, why are people like that. They should be told to fuck off to the back of the queue untill they get rid of the racist attatude. Twat.

It really irked me as it is a closing of a chapter. It's a big deal for me, personally. I'll take the high ground and do what I do to the best that I can. I work for the NHS because I believe in it, otherwise I'd be out, self-employed and consulting. Where I'm taking the Trust (and our numerous customers as we're a shared support service hosted within a hospital Trust) is a slick and streamlined future.

Years ago I had a health scare and went to the Emergency Room and I was 43 or so. I will never forget the young ER man who said "The other day we had a fella in here younger than you drop dead in this room!!" I could have kicked him in the nutz!

Turned out to be bad acid reflux as I was under tremendous stress at the time.
Thursday morning at about 3am I awoke with a pain in my back, It was like a really acute trapped wind... It started in the back came to the front, eased off, came back on..
Almost passed out... Layed flat out in the bathroom floor with my wife putting cold flannels on me....
Eased off felt bit better.... Came back on... Stronger.
Then said to my missus, take me to A&E.... Dropped me off... Started sweating profusely .... Then just as nurse calls me in
Fortunately had a bowl... Couldn't talk.... Just managed to say date of birth.
Took me in a room for some blood tests.... Another nurse came in took one look at me went out and I heard her say "have you seen him he needs to straight to majors" they wheeled me round, popped me in a bed... Started putting cannulas in... Morphine, paracetamol and a Diclofenac.... Well never mind where the Diclofenac went .
Anyway long story short after a CT scan and and about half hour... The pain subsided and they said I had a stone partially blocking the kidney duct....
After another 4 hours they came and told me I was probably staying in as urologists needed to see me...
Couple of hours after they sent me home to pee it out.
Not the best week I've had.
Well don't leave us hanging, is it out?

Hope you're feeling better.

Argh! I feel for you ...

Warning for everyone else. TMI.

One morning I suddenly felt as if I was being stabbed repeatedly in the kidney. So sudden and so painful it made me jump out of my chair and kinda dance around the room. Urge to wee, urge for the other, sweating profusely, actually crying out with the worse pain that I've ever experienced. Massage and "truffle shuffles" (ref: Goonies ... I think that probably jiggled it along) eased the pain to bearable, but after a few hours I consulted the GP ... or tried to ... but while waiting for the callback had the most incredible urge to wee. What a strange sensation!!! The searing pain was actually blissful relief. I take it you've passed it?

I had another maybe a year later, which moved along more easily but had two or three days where I felt like I was being repeatedly kicked in the balls until it moved all the way through. Horrid!

I take drinking water throughout the day a lot more seriously now.

Gah! I hope you've passed it ... and you're feeling okay now.
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