What made your day a crap one??

Green tea don't count! If it doesn't say Yorkshire on the packet, it isn't Yorkshire in the packet! As a dyed in the wool coffee enthusiast, I feel it is my patriotic and cultural duty as an Englishman to ensure that my tea levels stay maintained at "minimum HM Gov citizenship test levels" lest I be ejected from Blighty for not drinking enough of the Elixir of Boadicea (or something).

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I used to work with some really posh people in the City, tea was a common conversation, I half expected them to drink Fortnums tea but to a man they would only drink Taylor's Yorkshire tea. Cheesed me off this week when I saw a near 50% increase in price, the end result is almost four times the price of Lidl tea, which is good but not great.
It's a very warm day today, which I anticipated. However, I have nearly run out of cold drinks and ice cream, which I did NOT anticipate. My body is trying to adjust to the extreme heat, and I am not due to do a shop again until Wednesday. Hopefully, the weather will be more normal by then...