What grinds your gears?

There's one in Kuwait City - absolute mayhem! Can't remember what its called and the roundabout may have been changed. Maybe six lanes of road, unmarked, all huge cars whizzing around at umpteen miles an hour - the only way to get on it is to accelerate and aim for the meter gap between two cars, close your eyes and turn hard left. Ahmadi Roundabout, maybe. Sheesh! locals have never heard of lanes so they just take the shortest possible route from entering to leaving. Chuck in the odd camel cart and let rush hour begin!
Try Jury's Inn roundabout in Southampton - the chaos used to work sort of but then they added umprteen sets of traffic lights. Now you have to change lanes within a few meters. Three lanes, two lanes, three lanes ...
Yeah I hate that too! If you're new to the roundabout, how the f*** do you know when your need to move lanes???
People on trains with badly leaking earphones and crap taste in music. Yes you next to me now - you reading this??

+1 on this! Esp the disco "tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk" 4 to the floor type beat for 4 odd minutes. Or worse still, the ones who play rap or dubstep music on their phones on loudspeaker!
Legal it may be, but polite and courteous it is not, especially in rural areas where most of the roads are narrow. I fully respect your right to pursue your leisure activities, but forcing other road users to sit behind you at 10mph just causes frustration. I am in no way condoning people overtaking cyclists in an unsafe manner, but making it easier to overtake would go a long way to stopping the ire some people feel towards cyclists.

Of course, sod's law dictates that I always come up behind a pack of you in the approach to a bend or bridge leaving me no option but to sit facing a sea of spandex-clad arses until we're all safely past it. You could at least put a couple of women at the back. ;)
Legal it may be, but polite and courteous it is not, especially in rural areas where most of the roads are narrow. I fully respect your right to pursue your leisure activities, but forcing other road users to sit behind you at 10mph just causes frustration. I am in no way condoning people overtaking cyclists in an unsafe manner, but making it easier to overtake would go a long way to stopping the ire some people feel towards cyclists.

Of course, sod's law dictates that I always come up behind a pack of you in the approach to a bend or bridge leaving me no option but to sit facing a sea of spandex-clad arses until we're all safely past it. You could at least put a couple of women at the back. ;)

We seem to have more than our fair share of cyclist here, what bugs me is when they go two abreast down rods with double lines in the middle, nightmare. But what makes it worse is them not using the perfectly safe cycle route running alongside. Or the ones with no lights, the ones who skip through traffic lights nearly knocking pedestrians over and ones that wobble too much.
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