What do you do for a living?

I started in the work 30 years ago this August, leaving school and joining Midland Bank as a management trainee. I had previously had a Saturday job at Bejam (who remembers that name?) restocking freezers! 5 years later I got my first managerial appointment and went to have another 5 different management roles in different branches of the Bank. Thankfully I saw the writing on the wall for traditional branch banking, took more exams and qualified as an Independent Financial Adviser. Working I that role for 10 years.

Two years ago I saw the light, jumped ship from the 60-70 hour week target driven job and with two good friends started my own IFA Business.

We've had our own trials and issues but I am so happy that I 'got out' of the rat race, I can spend time with my customers, many of whom I count as friends, have more time to do the things I want to do and spend with the family, and really am starting to enjoy life much more again.

In my spare time, as my avatar suggests I am Group Scout Leader of the local Scout group, where I was a Cub some 40 years ago!

Great a fellow Scout, I'm a Cub Scout Leader, Assistant Scout Leader and a Training Advisor. If you do the District/ Group badge swapping thing for your Camp Blanket PM me and we can swap badges.

Always happy to get another badge for the (very large and getting very full) camp blanket. I will send a PM

Anyone else around who is involved with Scouts, I know there are a few fro a previous thread, who want to do the same send me a PM

I'm always up for a badge swap too, again PM me.
Plain ol' mech/elec technician. Keeping the wheels of industry turning! Started my working life as an apprentice electrician down the pit. Worked there for 13 years (including the big strike). Spent the last 23 years working as a Mech/Elec technician with a Bio mechanical implant manufacturer. So if any of you old Sods need a new Hip or Knee replacement I'm your man.
Me and my brother own our own cafe business.

Only 25 years old but had a lot of jobs - worked since I was 14 and moved a fair bit.

Happy now.

Another 25 years and I'm done, if I make it that long!
I work as a manager in a Molecular Genetics lab. I jumped on the biotechnology band-wagon when it took off in the 80s and did a BSc hons, an MSc and a PhD. It used to be really interesting stuff with loads of technical skill and head scratching required. These days I spend most of my day working out shift rotas, holidays entitlements and emptying bins (because we are so short of support staff) - that's in between worrying about targets not being met etc. The the genetic assays that used to take two or three days are all done in an hour by machines. I will be retiring 5 years henceforth - can't wait, but then I'm wishing my life away. I'm looking forward to not having to rush my shaves on a weekday.
My 1st job after my A levels involved wearing a green hat and messing around in boats, and the Arctic and mountains a motorbike accident which ruined my right leg got me invalidated out on a medical discharge, after that I ended up becoming a freelance touring sound engineer, which saw me travelling the world and being paid for it. Unfortunately 4 years ago the big C saw me having to quit work and haven't been fit to go back since so currently obtaining repayments of my tax and national insurance( of which there has been a hell of a lot) and enjoying not having to bother with the VAT man anymore.