What do you do for a living?

I work for a major beer/spirits multinational, though maybe not for much longer as a major 'restructuring' has been rumoured for a while,and seems imminent. A cull of long service employees before they can be made redundant to save money seems to be the company 'family friendly ' policy.
Used to work in fast food management. Got the Spanish Archer from that, moved into retail management (convenience stores) which was slightly better. Got fed up dealing with the public, jacked that and went to drive 7.5 truck delivering pallets of grub to boats. Bizarrely, better paid as a wee truck driver than either previous "management" job. Company changed hands though so twas time to move on.
Last couple of years I've been working for an industrial waste/cleaning company, driving mobile cleaning units to a huge variety of sites to clean stuff. Sewage plants, gas refineries, oil tanks, plenty of distillery and brewery work, also emergency response to fuel and chemical spillages. Much more varied jobs, way better paid than anything previous, and I work with some really "interesting" characters. Never a dull moment.
Mikeyj1973 said:
Every boy's dream job Train Driver [emoji577] choo choo!

When I was a boy I wanted to be a wrestler like Rollerball Rocco, a Bionic Man or a World Intelligence Network special secret agent.