What are you waiting on to arrive?

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What’s everyone’s experience ordering from Maggards?

I understand it has to be under the value of $135 to avoid import fees?

Does it work out cheaper going with them or paying the higher price at UK vendors?
In my experience you can buy any value and you won’t get customs, never had an issue before brexit or indeed since. If your willing to wait, Maggards is great value from the UK.
I have hijacked this photo from @RussellR5555 sorry Russ but you’re photography is fantastic it really shows just how beautiful this one is...can’t wait I will soon be the proud owner of this gorgeous Koraat near wedge also the naniwa 1k and dressing stone, everything seems to be falling into place for me now just need to order my lapping plate and I will soon be starting off my honing journey and having a play with finishing stone to begin with

Yea that's a cracking razor, scales are beautiful and I particularly like the grinding marks on the blade.
I think it looks better than a polished blade.
Yea that's a cracking razor, scales are beautiful and I particularly like the grinding marks on the blade.
I think it looks better than a polished blade.
I do like the polished blade too from Koraat but can’t beat the markings on this one..it’s got to be the nicest looking steel I’ve seen so far I cannot wait to see it in the hand, I’m over the moon with this one
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