What are you waiting on to arrive? June 2021

Looks amazing! And love the colour of the scales!
Thank you wanted to go with something a little different to what I’ve seen others have..there wasn’t really a picture as such to go off think it must be the first 14 he’s done in this colour, I could be wrong of course ! I’m really quite happy with it though be better when I can see it in the hand really looking forward to it
Definitely does look different ! Love the colour.
can’t wait to see it in SOTD once you have it in your hands Jay!
Wow that really is something! Beautiful workmanship and I love the lime scales. (Not limescale – you'll never hear a home espresso guy say he likes limescale LOL!)
What size is it, looks like a good 7/8 if not the full inch?
Thank you haha yes keeping the two words separate makes them sound much more appealing lol I believe they are a little bigger than a 7/8