What a difference a blade makes (there's a song in there somewhere)

So in my quest to find the best set up I decided to try a new blade as I am coming to the last one of the Derby blades that came with my Edwin Jagger DE89 razor.

I decided to try a Wilkinson Sword blade, on the basis that my last cartridge razor was a Wilkinson Sword Hydro 5, which I got on with much better than its Gillette equivalent.

Well once again Wilkinson Sword has come through. When using the Derby blade I had been experiencing some razor burn; something i hd not experienced since I first started wet shaving when I was a teenager. I was not certain if this was a cause of poor shaving technique (still in my first month of DE shaving), or because the Taylor of Old Bond Street shaving cream I am using does not suit me, or because the blade did not suit. Well after shaving three times now with the Wilkinson Sword blade, the razor burn has gone, I am not getting any cuts or nicks; which I do accept is partly down to my technique improving and most importantly, I am still getting a very good smooth shave.

Conclusion, I will for the foreseeable future, continue to use the Wilkinson Sword blade and enjoy the shave
The blade does make a big difference. Some people like Derbys, but just as many dislike them as find them too blunt.

The Wilkinson Sword is better, but as NTS said, wait till you try the Astras or the Gillette 7 o'clock Sharpedge.

Connaught shaving do a good selection pack of blades, or if you PM me your address I will send you some of the commonly liked blades.
wait til you try the polsilver super iridiums - they'll change your life :)

i was going off my EJ89 until i loaded it up with a proper blade.

there's a blade PIF going on in the lending pool - you should join in.
There's a proper pace for every new shaver to try new blades, I reckon. Go too sharp too soon and you'll dismiss them - razor rash in my case. More forgiving blades suit the early months and ten with time and improved technique, the forgiving blades seem to be lacking and the sharper ones exactly what is required.

How do you know where you are on the scale? If it gives a comfortable shave, it's the right blade for now.
Bechet45 said:
There's a proper pace for every new shaver to try new blades, I reckon.

Absolutely. That's why I never dismiss any blade out of hand any more... I just put it aside and try again later. I'm currently finding 7 O'clock yellows very nicky, and Feathers (although giving a very close and very smooth shave) always leave my face a bit raw.

It's the naughty step for them until my technique improves a bit more... can't go wrong with the Astras and 7 O'clock Greens though
The 7 o'clocks were a revelation to me, too. I've been shaving for about 28 years in total and that blade gave me the best shave of my life.

Funny others mentioned Astras because those are the next ones I'll be trying.

I should point out that only a couple of months out of those years has been DE shaving. :blush:
Well, I've just tried a Crown blade in my Rocket HD, and it was awful. Now, all experienced members will be well aware that, if you have a razor which needs an aggressive blade to work well for you, then a mild blade in that razor is likely to be less-than-optimal, but that's a razor which somehow gives me good results with relatively mild blades normally. Just goes to show that even a small degree of perceived dullness can have a pronounced effect.
I'm with Bechet 45 and for a short while I am going to stick with the Wilkinson Sword as it it giving e a good trouble free shave without any irritation.

I will in due course give the Astras, the 7 o'clock Yellows and the Polsilver Super Iridium's a try next and I am sure many others in due course as well.

Thanks Lose the Beard for the offer and Flip 68 for the note about the lending pool.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Yep - no rush. If it works then use it - but do try other things in time as there are some fantastic products out there. For now I'd work on technique.

All the best
boyfrom64 said:
So in my quest to find the best set up I decided to try a new blade as I am coming to the last one of the Derby blades that came with my Edwin Jagger DE89 razor.

I decided to try a Wilkinson Sword blade,

When using the Derby blade I had been experiencing some razor burn; something i hd not experienced since I first started wet shaving when I was a teenager. Well after shaving three times now with the Wilkinson Sword blade, the razor burn has gone, I am not getting any cuts or nicks; which I do accept is partly down to my technique improving and most importantly, I am still getting a very good smooth shave.

Hi there,

Your reaction to a new blade showed the difference to you between one that fits better than the other. Starting to get a good reference point for that, and finding a good blade will go quicker from now on. Maybe use the Wilkinson for 1-2 blades and then see what else is out there. Never tried that particular one myself.

Nice being able to see a positive change when you switched,

I have to say that when I was doing my research prior to starting to shave with a DE razor I was a little skeptical about all the different blades that members of this forum were talking about and the different results they experienced. Now I understand what they were talking about and in due course I will try different blades but for now I will stick with the Wilkinson Sword and work on gaining confidence and my technique.
The Wilkie is in my opinion better than Derby, but still not particularly good.

What is important is how you find them, and if they give you comfortable good shaves then that is all that really matters.

Unless you become a blade nerd of course and feel a need to try every different blade you can find :angel:
Lose the beard said:
The Wilkie is in my opinion better than Derby, but still not particularly good.

What is important is how you find them, and if they give you comfortable good shaves then that is all that really matters.

Unless you become a blade nerd of course and feel a need to try every different blade you can find :angel:
Guilty as charged!
Once I've doen all I can in that regard I start trying them in all the different razors I can find!
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