Wash & Go shampoo (don't laugh...)

Saturday July 11, 2009
Hi all,

I just realised there's no Skin/Body/Hair board so feel free to move this to the relevant place, mods!

Now, I have always been a bit of a product snob, even before this shaving lark, and I always used to buy salon brand shampoo/conditioner from wherever I got my hair cut. This was a few years ago now.

Since having my hair shorter, I haven't been quite so bothered, even using shower gel if I'm in a rush, but settled on the Aussie brand for quite some time.

Recently, I was at my parents' house and all they had in terms of shampoo was Wash & Go Fresh (which has a hint of menthol in it).

I was really blown away by how good this stuff was. Lathered a treat, smelt good, and left my hair feeling really soft. Even my girlfriend noticed.

I actually couldn't believe that such a cheap (and widely disliked) product could be so good (at least for me).

It's £2 a bottle but Superdrug often have 2 for 1 which makes it even more of a bargain. There's Universal, Fresh (menthol, my favourite), Sport and I believe another variety. They all seem seem to perform the same.

Recommended. I've paid 10x the price for shampoo in the past and it hasn't done anything that this stuff doesn't!

Ah, shampoo.

I remember that.

My owd dear used to buy Head and Shoulders for all of us to use (Brothers and Sisters) and as I grew too tall for my hair in my teens I have never had a reason to buy shampoo in my entire life.

From what I remember it is/was good stuff.
Damian Murphy said:
Sorry I could'nt help it but I laughed.

I'm going to get some of that menthol sounds right up my street. Thanks !!

I wouldn't raise your hopes too much - it's not up to Proraso levels :shock: - but there's definitely a bit of a tingle.

Vosene is my personal choice. That said am currently sat on a train returning from Brum, from where Mrs M just dropped £27.95 on a bottle of Aveda Rosemary & Mint shampoo :eek: As she is sat next to me reading this as I iPhone it, she has asked me to point out it is the 1 Litre bottle! Oh yeah, she paid an extra 50p for the pump dispenser thing to go on the top of it :shock: must go, next stop is ours!
My scalp needs something a bit stronger than even Vosene. I tend to use Polytar and Alphosyl in conjunction with lovely prescription Betnovate. T-Gel works particularly well, too, if you want top blast the s**t out of your head.
hunnymonster said:
I used to "Wash'n'Go" - but since it "went" I just use soap on the space where it used to be :mrgreen:

Yeah, me to HM, me to! Dead handy that! Also, as long as the soap is a decent brand, dry scalp is usually avoided.

spandex.. :)
Note that the basic ingredients (the surface active, or cleansing ingredients) of most liquid syndet products (whether they are washing up liquids, shower products, hand 'soaps' or shampoos) are the same, or similar. Some products are more highly concentrated than others (e.g. washing up liquids), some have minor additional ingredients (hair conditioners in shampoo), many have 'fairy dust' cosmetics ingredients that do next to nothing apart from appealing to customers and justifying a price hike (such as shampoos), but for all practical intents and purposes (i.e. for cleaning/degreasing) these products are pretty much interchangeable...
henkverhaar said:
[snip]....but for all practical intents and purposes (i.e. for cleaning/degreasing) these products are pretty much interchangeable...

I agree! I do notice though that my hair does feel much softer after a shampoo than if I was in a rush and just used shower gel.

Henk, what do you think about shampoos that claim to prolong colour in dyed hair? I reckon it's BS. I reckon they're pretty much the same as "for dry hair" versions.

I've been using Head & Shoulders Menthol this last week. Haven't got dandruff but found it in the cupboard and thought I'd use it up. It's absolutely fine. Can't see much difference between shampoos I've tried over the years.
Head and Shoulders is a quality shampoo.

Some 'actives' in shampoos actually do what they claim - shampoos usually contain some sort of 'hair conditioner', usually a quaternary ammonium detergent; these will stick to hair even after rinsing and marginally improve looks and handling of hair. Dandruff can be a 'medical condition' (with one of the required conditions a common skin yeast) and most anti-dandruff shampoos contain actives that do indeed combat this yeast.

But even then, you can wash you hair equally well with a good shower gel, or even a good washing up liquid (use less...).
henkverhaar said:
Head and Shoulders is a quality shampoo.

Some 'actives' in shampoos actually do what they claim - shampoos usually contain some sort of 'hair conditioner', usually a quaternary ammonium detergent; these will stick to hair even after rinsing and marginally improve looks and handling of hair. Dandruff can be a 'medical condition' (with one of the required conditions a common skin yeast) and most anti-dandruff shampoos contain actives that do indeed combat this yeast.

But even then, you can wash you hair equally well with a good shower gel, or even a good washing up liquid (use less...).

Hi Henk!

Yes, a lot of people confuse 'dry scalp' with Dandruff don't they? I remember that as children we all called the condition Dandruff. As you say, Dandruff is a medical condition which often needs specialised treatment! :)
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