

Wednesday November 7, 2012
Woburn Sands, Bucks
Anyone watching the latest series on BBC4?

I love the show and have been seriously moved by the portrayal of Kurt as his Alzheimer's starts to really take hold. The final scene in Ep5 where his daughter and grand-daughter come to see him after learning of his illness actually made me shed a tear. It was a truly heart - rending moment and done without any cloying sentimentality or unnecessary comment.

If you are a fan, I haven't seen the final episode yet, so be discrete with any information you disclose...!

All the best,
Very much like the show myself too. The books are excellent. I've read the lot I think. That said I haven't seen any of this series on account of one thing and another, fitba at the mo.
factormax said:
Yes. Love this series. Saw the final episode on Saturday. Very moving indeed.

Would I be right in thinking that the lead was previously played by another (somewhat portlier) actor, or was that another series entirely?

Interesting interview in the Guardian with Krister Henriksson.

There have been, to the best of my knowledge, two completely separate productions of Wallander with a totally different cast. The other actor was indeed carrying a little more timber. Additionally there has been a BBC production with Kenneth Branagh playing Kurt.I believe there will be a new run of the BBC version next year sometime.

I've now caught up with the final episode and it did not let down. Wonderful acting, told with great compassion.
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