Voskhod Blades

Its about time someone did a new review here!

I placed a small order for these Russian blades from Britva.eu and must have been one of the last customers to be dealt with by them.

I ordered them after seeing the sort of rave reviews of them featured in certain American forums. Whilst some Americans can be somewhat prone to exaggeration, there had to be something in it.

They were cheap, and when they arrived they were beautifully packaged and wrapped in bubblewrap. The individual packets are standard cardboard and the blades are double wrapped. They are, of course, Russian, but they do not hail from St Pete, but from Moscow so there is a good chance that P&G have no control over them.

This morning I loaded one in my fatboy, set it to four and off I went.

I have to say, the American forums are right. This is a superb blade. At least, so far it has been. The operative word here is smooth. This blade is really, really smooth. It is sharp, but not in an aggressive way. It just slides across the face and the beard is gone. I did two passes, in a slightly hurried fashion, and it was done and dusted. No mess, no problems, just a nice close shave.

The adverts talk of the blade being splattered with teflon. I have no idea about this, but my immediate reaction was to try to order more. Unfortunately, Britva have ceased trading and the only other supplier appears to be a Russian import company located in the US. They will supply Europe but of course postage costs turn this from being a cheap blade into an expensive one. That being said, if Britva dont reappear - and they have hinted that they might still look to do some business - the blades are so good that I will probably put in a jumbo order and just grit my teeth about the price. So far, these blades appear to be well worth it.

Tomorrow, it goes into my Futur. And I shall update.
I like these too. Britva's Rapiras and Sputnik are also excellent, and the Rapira are easier to find, giving them the edge for me. I would have thought someone would start distributing these in Europe as they start to receive the credit and exposure they deserve. I myself have bought the standard Rapira in bulk and am keen to get all the others in large quantities if price including postage is right
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.razorbladesandmore.com/content/100-voshkod-teflon-coated-razor-blades" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.razorbladesandmore.com/conte ... zor-blades</a><!-- m -->

plenty here
Day 2. In the Futur.

Fired the beast up and did three passes varying the setting between 2 and 4. The result? Well, I imagine there are probably babies around with more stubble on their bottoms than I have on my face. A couple of areas which needed the trusty allum block but nothing that the allum couldnt handle.


Well, unlike yesterday when my face felt great, today it feels like it is in a state of shock. The razor and blade combination is, for me, maybe a tad brutal. Its a very close shave, though.

Redtip tomorrow
And the third go, in my Redtip, was definitely one bridge too far. After the first pass I stuck the blade in the recycling pot and finished with a Gillette. Too painful.

To my way of thinking, two excellent shaves is better than three average ones, so this wont scare me off using them. I shall just pot them after day two. I shall also stick with the fatboy and avoid the meaner machines, and see how that works.

Hopefully, someone in Russia or Eastern Europe starts to deal these blades and the other, non-Gillette blades from that part of the world. Come back Britva
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