Voskhod Blades! Where are you?

I've been enjoying some Voskhod blades I traded with a friend in Sweden. I'll be darned if I can find any to buy in the UK or anywhere really for that matter. Does anyone know where I could get some?


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What about here?

I bought 50 Rapira Swedes from this seller and they arrived in less than a fortnight. I made the purchase after Canuck (I think?) recommended them in a post.

Anyway, reliable seller with 100% feedback.
Yep, Andrey in Moscow as per Gairdner's link (Unuta77 or his "Balalaika store" on eBay), is the best purveyor of all fine Russian shaving bits. He sells Voshkod, Rapira, Lada etc, along with a natty line in Russian DE razors and some scary looking colognes. Postage is dear on the latter, otherwise it's reasonable prices. He does very good Russian sample packs, not a bad blade in sight.

Post normally takes around 7-10 days from Moscow and it's all tracked, I've ordered 3 times and found him reliable.
Thanks Canuck, I thought it was you. Have you tried the Platinum Lux? Aye, yon Colognes look very scary indeed - Eau de KGB Torture anyone?
Да Да, сказал слепой русский язык.
Yes Gairdner I've had the platinum lux, they were good too. Can't say I've ever had a bad Russian blade really.

I was going to take one for the team on the colognes but the postage makes them too dear even for UK tastes. Ouchski comrade! It's a shame as I'm extremely curious, they look really quite frightening.
Yeah, I know what you mean. A Russky cologne to beat up on the Veg. Probably smells like a cross between a sweaty Cossack dancer and village potato Vodka with added fear pheromones extracted in Siberian labour camps. Found this link though:

Novaya Zarya

Dosvedanya Tovarisch! :rolleyes:

P.S. that link has notes on three of the colognes Andrey is selling.
Good show, Gladys. Your feedback will be interesting and I look forward to it. :D

Go on Gladys get some of the cologne - Troynoy or Sasha and I'll chip in for a large sample. Do it for the team! :D

P-P-P-P-Please? Granville! How do you spell P-P-Please? Is it six P's or seven?
Granville! No wearing the Trotskys in the sh-shop! Ha-ho-he-hung-ga-garian is quite enough, thank you.

We could have our own group as this doesn't really come under Posh Fragrances does it?. Sign up for a sample of Eau de Cossack Ba'sack at yer peril......:icon_eek:
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