Vintage camping stoves

I just love restoration of anything but i have to say to you’ve done a fine job.
Keep the pics coming
Thanks Mike, these stoves are mostly brass and are usually filthy and non working from ebay. They all get used for cooking on a regular basis I have 3 more but I haven't taken any pictures of them as yet, all 3 are primus / optimus 96 really small camping stoves. I'll try to photograph them soon.
Well done on the restoration. I have an old Primus in the garage, they are pretty bomb proof
Being bomb proof is probably why they was the first choice for the Explorer fo yesterday.

My primus No 1 is around 70 years old, I was stunned when after the restoration I lit it for the first time, it just worked so I used it to cook an omelet.
They was very popular with people touring, camping, hiking, and all outdoor activities, being as most will break down into a tin box via the supplied spanner, they are surprisingly versatile of there age. People were made of tuffer stuff back then and didn't mind the extra weight.
Give us before & after pics
that would be good
Hi Mike I don't take photos of the before restoration due to me just getting on with the work needed. for your interest however this is the ebay listing for one of my optimus 96 stoves, Both the lipstick burner and flame bell was shot on this one it'd been well used over the years for sure.
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Superb stuff John and a great level if restoration. Even better when they still work.

Primus were awesome stoves (in the right hands) and like hotmetal says a reminder if my scouting days. Which only ended some 15 years or so back as a leader.

If you want I think we have an old Tilley lamp over in Yorkshire which you can have for zero pounds and zero pennies. Just drop me a PM if interested.

Keep up the great work
I’ve got a braw single pint Primus that I used regularly whilst canoeing. I think it dates from 1960 by the date code. Memory is a bit shaky. Fired it up again last year and it worked perfectly. Full brass starter flame guard too. For a couple of Monitors and there’s a few others hiding around somewhere.