Vie Long Horse hair brushes

Hello all right this is my first review. Horse hair is between Badger and Boar hair its softer than Boar but a little stiffer than Badger it holds less water than Badger but far more than Boar. Unlike other brushes the animal doesn't die to give us a brush its trimed off mane and tail the new brush has a strong smell I think its the glue and dyes used on the knot not horsey. It performs great on hard soaps and lathers creams well to. The brush it self has longer than normal knot but even when wet it doesn't go all floppy the handle is just moulded plastic not the best but does the job. As for quality it took me 9 years to wear out my first brush from Vie Long it hasn't dropped many hairs so it was top notch. The price for the new one I've just bought was £13 not bad price.Its the same as the last one just handle has changed its sorta square now
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