Vaping (smoking replacement)

no smoking just vaping, and enjoying some Digbys apple & cinnamon at the mo using a Hana Modz V3 and a kayfun V4 at 13 watts (if I was smoking and vaping, that's called duel fuelling in the vape world) yummy
no smoking just vaping, and enjoying some Digbys apple & cinnamon at the mo using a Hana Modz V3 and a kayfun V4 at 13 watts (if I was smoking and vaping, that's called duel fuelling in the vape world) yummy

Hey John, I heard you was dead,

Actually that's not true, but I do have to ask about you about the rumor that Uncle Mikey had been pushing. The one about your Transgender decision and wanting to be called Jonette from now on. Well, Mikey always wanted to be the husband so congrats to you both.

So do you have the optional 'Rockie Mountain High' vaping tank filled with nitrous oxide? It's a popular item in Colorado where getting blasted is legal but tobacco is frowned on. Hah, go figure.

I quit smoking tobacco almost three years go, but admit to doing a small mount of vaping myself recently while out there. Yep, I tried some of the local produce/medicine called 'shatter', that uses vaping as the delivery system. This particular variety is called Purple Grimace. You can search if that interests you at all.

Anyway, nice typing at you Jonnette,

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a-ha, it's you again Martini, I was sleeping and I had a dream/nightmare that somehow you was going to intrude in my life, and yep the TSR night prowler still skulks in dark, just for the record I'm no longer welcome in Sweden due to there police discovering the Abba drinking/party's I was involved in.

The CCTV camera was switched on and things got out of hand, the police drink like fish crazy bastards, All I did was to challenge them to shoot the lamp shades whilst shit faced, oops................

I've noticed a trend for kids in the UK to be huffing CO2 out of cartridges, to get fucked up.

I've got to go now Martini, as I've got to, how would you say "take out the god damed trash"

Nice typing at you laters