Vaping (smoking replacement)

Audiolab said:
Martin, I thought you were burning the beaver long before you tried smoking pipes.

I think you may have a critter mix up going on. You may be thinking of the term 'burning a mule'. Used in a sentence it might go something like "The doorbell rang while I was in the can burning a mule.". Common term here in Midwest Yankeetown.
dodgy said:
Audiolab said:
Martin, I thought you were burning the beaver long before you tried smoking pipes.

I think you may have a critter mix up going on. You may be thinking of the term 'burning a mule'. Used in a sentence it might go something like "The doorbell rang while I was in the can burning a mule.". Common term here in Midwest Yankeetown.

Hey there, nice to see that ole humour is still there Martin and I appreciate the illustrative example of US English. Not sure why you'd have a donkey in your bathroom but live and let live.

I used to smoke and always admired those pipe smokers as a determined lot with their wee knives and rituals. However I'm an addict and I know I either smoke or don't but the smell of some of those fresh tobaccos is ok to my taste palette. Think it's that tobacco hint that appeals to me in some frags.

Anyway I'd been away for a while and my post was just a poke in the ribs to say hi. The whole time I was away I hardly bought any shaving stuff but have a hankering for some new soap and frags for a change.

Might be In touch for some advice from your enclyopedic mind on that. Take it easy buddy.
What juices are you using guys? I've read lots of reviews but I want some perspective from people I trust.

I have only tried tobacco flavors and am really enjoying 'king of tobacco' atm. Interested in whatever you enjoy though.

Links to/names of uk suppliers would be great too.
dantheman1 said:
What juices are you using guys? I've read lots of reviews but I want some perspective from people I trust.

I have only tried tobacco flavors and am really enjoying 'king of tobacco' atm. Interested in whatever you enjoy though.

Links to/names of uk suppliers would be great too.

If you like a tobacco base but want to get into other flavours, have a look at Manabush. The Powwow sauce is well nice. It has a tobacco base but also tastes a bit like a chocolate hobnob. Sounds weird but it works.

One of my favourites is Goose Juice, the range can be found here

Other good juices can be found here
Liberty Flights have a half price kit deal on the Evod 2, it's a glass tank and dual coil so it should be a decent starter or upgrade for £12.49. That includes a 10ml bottle of juice. I ordered some Triphammer juice this week, not arrived yet :(
I got myself some manabush samples - man are they nice! Can't recommend enough.

Oddly I don't really have bad cravings anymore and really only vape properly at the pub. I'm much happier.
I use this lot as there local and there juice is very nice

pugh-the-special-one said:
barberbob said:
pugh-the-special-one said:
They are saying some of the chemicals in those vaping things could be as harmful as cigarettes must be off your trollies to put anything other than fresh air in your lungs.

The big word there buddy is COULD. who is they anyway?

They (a lot more than the other theys) are also saying that these are 100 times less harmful than smoking and could be the breakthrough smokers need to get themselves off the stinkies.

Point of fact is nothing at all has been proved about them being dangerousor harmless) other than some twit that made his own flavour and used an oil based flavouring and ended up getting oil on his lungs. Nothing actually to do with the vaping.

On the other hand there are loads of FACTS about cigarettes and how harmful they are....

A thing I have learnt in life is never listen to "they" until there is fact

No the big word buddy is do! And the big cigarette companies probably own and control all the vaping products just replacing their old drug addicted clan of of foolish followers with another slightly less harmful drug just look at every high street today those vaping shops are more prolific than Coffee shops, yep you use to be addicted to Cigarettes and now you are addicted to the vaper what's the difference they still own you.

Every chemical that they say is bad is in cigarettes but at 10 times the levels. The 2 or 3 in ecigs compared to the 100 in fags. Tobacco companies only own the majority of brands that look like cigarettes. They don't own any large share of any major liquid producer or of any of the hardware. big tobacco are one of the main people lobbying against ecigs.
dantheman1 said:
I got myself some manabush samples - man are they nice! Can't recommend enough.

Oddly I don't really have bad cravings anymore and really only vape properly at the pub. I'm much happier.

I'm vaping Manabush Waxahachie at the moment. Nice stuff plus they are local to me
george said:
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