Vaping (smoking replacement)

Bought one today, it's nothing special, just something to get me into it. Looks like it turns into another expensive hobby for some people!

Will see how I get on at the pub tonight, wish me luck!
I can't find a decent menthol, I got some when I was in the states this year but the Liberty flights stuff is pretty poor. Any recommendations?
pugh-the-special-one said:
you use to be addicted to Cigarettes and now you are addicted to the vaper

Hiya doin Jamie,

That line reminded me of the grown up in a movie who's using himself in a little kid flashback to explain his adult life.
joe mcclaine said:
Why don't you all take up smoking pipes.

There are no downsides.

Oh sure.....pipe smoking is a harmless little 'hobby'. Why didn't I think of that?

I do like the way those aromatic blends like Cookie Jar, Rum and Maple, Captain Black Gold, Camel Toad Blond, and Cherry Blend all smell so luscious while being burned.

So just a cheap pipe and some tobacco and away we go eh? Jeepers, that sounds swell!!


Oh, isn't there some kinda potential for falling down yet another rabbit hole? Nah, what could go wrong?
barberbob said:
I've always fancied smoking a pipe

It can be fun to see what's out there. I was being a bit facetious in my previous post, having gone through a bunch of short but intense close encounters with many pipes and tobaccos. I enjoyed that whole experience but it just never clicked for some reason.

Check out a pipe forum and see what those guys are up to. Easy to get started, that part is true. You just gotta have an idea of what you're looking for. Like a new guy buying shaving crap.


Oh, Vinnie mentioned custom blends and yeah, dat's a nice option. The tobacco store where I bought pipe ammunition had their own house specialty called Beaver Kill. Seriously. Very nice aromatic with a misleading name.
I've been vaping some RY4 and other tobacco / vanilla / caramel mixes. Not too sweet, mellow and very very nice.

Got a Kanger T3D on a Spinner battery. Love it.
Expensive day today...

After reading many reviews I've ordered a vamo v6 with a mega aerotank and another bottle of juice. If I'm doing this I'm doing it properly!

5 days smoke free so far but this little ecig just wasn't enough for the long run so count me in with the mods. Can't wait, just hoping it's here tomorrow!
Got a lovely little mod in the post today. Made by a member of a vaping forum.


Runs on an internal Naturevape mini tank. It's tiny!



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