Vaping (smoking replacement)

Yes I use the spinner with the KF or the Kanger depending what I fancy - battery life is loads better than those old ego ones I used for ages - I think though that when the charge drops below the white, its past its best. Hence thinking I want to step up again but don't fancy shelling out loads - thinking maybe a mod / mechanical of some sort?

Mechs are good and look real nice, also bottom switch is great but I really like the convenience of a regulated device. Love my Bish sx350 box mod. Also have a Sigelei 30w which is a decent regulated tube mod running the sx300 chip. I also really like the Vaporshark dna30/rDNA. Great little mods but a bit pricier. Maybe something like the ipv2 or even the new eleaf istick. Both decently priced but both box mods.

Do you prefer a box or tube?

Yeah my mates the same - light sabre in the pocket

I was thinking about one of those mpv2 is that the same as the ivp2?

MVP2 is a good little mod, my first proper one. Getting a bit dated now though and there is loads of good stuff about at the moment. Rumour is the mvp3 will be out soon. Modern version of the 2 would probably be something like the istick. They have been selling out instantly everywhere but just noticed it looks like they are in stock at myepack at a good price. Worth having a look. Cheaper than an MVP too!
pugh-the-special-one said:
They are saying some of the chemicals in those vaping things could be as harmful as cigarettes must be off your trollies to put anything other than fresh air in your lungs.

I don't buy this argument. It cannot be as bad as a fag. It costs less, doesn't make you smell. It has cured my 22 year smoking habit a year ago.

A lot of the negativity I read has been linked to big business and govt. the more people vape the less tobacco revenue both tax and for the fag companies.

And no offence there is nothing better than fresh air but smoking is a horrible habit and horribly addictive and anything which helps people off it as a good thing.
pugh-the-special-one said:
They are saying some of the chemicals in those vaping things could be as harmful as cigarettes must be off your trollies to put anything other than fresh air in your lungs.

The big word there buddy is COULD. who is they anyway?

They (a lot more than the other theys) are also saying that these are 100 times less harmful than smoking and could be the breakthrough smokers need to get themselves off the stinkies.

Point of fact is nothing at all has been proved about them being dangerousor harmless) other than some twit that made his own flavour and used an oil based flavouring and ended up getting oil on his lungs. Nothing actually to do with the vaping.

On the other hand there are loads of FACTS about cigarettes and how harmful they are....

A thing I have learnt in life is never listen to "they" until there is fact
dantheman1 said:
Morning guys, I want to quit, have for a while. Where are the shops that sell ecig stuffs? Any big name places etc? Online is no good for me.

My bargain booze sells a Liberty flight set

All you need is a battery, usb charger and a vaporiser (the tank and mouth piece) I get my liquid in home bargains at £2 per bottle

Some of you people are very lucky you were never in the situation to start smoking in the first place

No the big word buddy is do! And the big cigarette companies probably own and control all the vaping products just replacing their old drug addicted clan of of foolish followers with another slightly less harmful drug just look at every high street today those vaping shops are more prolific than Coffee shops, yep you use to be addicted to Cigarettes and now you are addicted to the vaper what's the difference they still own you.
dantheman1 said:
Morning guys, I want to quit, have for a while. Where are the shops that sell ecig stuffs? Any big name places etc? Online is no good for me.

Totally Wicked is the main "chain" in vaping. Should be one somewhere near you. The decent stuff and best prices will be found online though...
What would you guys say is better than totally wicked? My in laws have recently packed in the fags and are vaping TECC and totally wicked a liquid. I'd like them to keep it up so want them to stay keen and try something better.
Re: RE: Vaping (smoking replacement)

Well said apart from sucking formaldehydes into your lungs let's not forget the delivery system of nicotine has changed but the drug is still present. Nicotine itself does cause a cocktail of issues. I had my friends try a brand of tobacco called American Spirit it contains no additives and we were all surprised, it stank less and didn't linger on them. Could this be healthier than the e-cig? Funnily enough the NHS were going to make nicolites (e-cig) available on prescription this never happened I wonder why hmm.
I've been vaping and off the weed now for three years now and I have to say, I've never looked back! There are a whole slew of web-sites and forums to trawl through, if you have the inclination. My advice would be to look at:

...they have everything from starter kits for beginners to advanced mods and atomisers and what's more, they are very nice people! I would peruse the site, join their forum and if you have any questions Keith and Lisa will be only too happy to help and advise you.

(and before anyone asks, no I'm not on commission )