
Friday July 10, 2009
Hi All

Adam (Pigcat) emailed me earlier today to see how I was getting on (many of you know I've had acute clinical depression with generalised anxiety disorder and have been quite unwell; in fact I've never felt so ill in my life. I am also a Vicar and have been off work for seven weeks now.)

I replied with an update but it occurred to me that maybe some others of you might be interested, especially as so many of you were good enough to express your concern and show you care.

Anyway, here's what I sent to Adam. Hope it helps; thanks again for all your support and goodwill.

Hi Adam

Thanks for the email, I was just thinking about you this morning.

I'm taking it one day at a time but have a had four very good days in a row now (inc today) and am really hoping the meds are kicking in. I've been ill since the first week of June so I'm ready to get better. My faith and my family have been brilliant. I was tempted to ask where God was or why I was going through this and then I remembered the sign of my God is a cross, not a four-leafed clover: no guarantee of luck, just of a God who goes through it with us and whose story ends well even if it goes through the pit (or the cross) to get there. My family, too, have been through it with me and my wife has been a star -- I am so impressed with the way she has coped and handled me. The kids, too, have a had a bit of a "life lesson" but my nurse said not to feel guilty or worried about them as it is all part of them learning about reality and illness and depression. That really helped me, as I *was* worried and guilty about them, which was making me worse.

The meds have nasty side effects for the first couple of weeks and only after that do they start to work, so it had to get worse before it got better. But as I said, hopefully I'm through the worst of it and on a long and slow (and maybe uneven) road back.

Take care mate and thanks for the email,


Nice to hear that you are feeling better, Rev.

I too am doing better on that front, and off all meds (except sleeping aids and I'm still struggling with sleep).

Do you find that it is better to be off work? I guess you had to take some time off, but I'm worse when I have less to do. Then again I have less things to occupy myself with than you do as I don't have a family.

Here's to your continued improvement!
Hey g-train, glad to hear you're on the up as well.

Yes, being off work is a mixed blessing -- I couldn't cope with at the moment anyway, so there's no question of going back yet but on the other hand I do need at least one thing to do per day, ideally and appointment with someone out of my house.

Hope you carry on improving; I'll pray for you.

God bless


Wishing you both the best. Can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. I'm sure all will be well.
I haven't had any problems in this 'department', but, I know that is through luck, rather than anything to do with me. I have had friends suffering anxiety / depression in the past. Thank goodness that attitudes are changing and people are realising that this can happen to anyone. I, once upon a time and to my shame, used to look at people, who on the surface had it all, and still said they were depressed. I just didn't get it at all. Know a wee bit better now.


Greetings Rev.
Glad to see your making steps on the road to being better again. I'll keep you on the prayer list!

Hi Rev-O

Wishing you all the best with your recovery. My wife has suffered with depression in the past, particulary following the death of her mother. However over the last few years, she has recovered greatly and is pretty well back to her old self. The meds helped in the short term, but also having an allotment helped; the exercise, fresh air and general satisfaction with growing things. Now she cycles a lot and believes the exercise helps.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Cheers, Rousey