United/Moyes - Where has it all gone so wrong?

Wednesday October 16, 2013
This is a squad of players who have/should understand how to win championships... I'm baffled as to where it's all gone so badly wrong.

Are United now lacking a few true leaders with Fergie gone?

I'm not a United fan, but I am curious to hear the thoughts of a few.
The Greek press this morning were tearing Moyes to bits. Olympiakos (IMHO) is one of the worst hated team in Athens, making United's loss even more painful...
The leaders they have know they are out of the door next season, RVP is anayer that needs managing properly, Rooney is only interested in the dollar and the appointment of Moyes is probably one of the most questionable appointments in Premier Legue history. ferguson has also got to shoulder some blame as we'll. Long May it continue.
Lacked touch
Lacked creativity
Lacked a desire to win
Lacked a win

I think utd had one or two shots on target, can't believe cleverly was picked over Kagawa this math was made for him and with mata back untied he won't even get a shout, secondly young and Valencia are more suited for a mid PL side they have lost their pace (hence young jokes regarding splash) and cannot deliver a half decent cross gone are the days of beckham, Giggs, kanchelskis and Ronaldo.......
Can anyone remember the last time a champions Legue team played 4-4-2 at this stage of the competition and for the first leg that is away. Just highlighted his utter lack of management at this level. His record this season with United is game for game the exact same as when at Everton last season.
Van Persie's goals masked some other shortcomings last season and Moyes has been unlucky to lose him for most of this season. Don't agree with Richard that Moyes' appointment was questionable, it was never likely that they would go for a controversial name and they were unlikely to tempt any top European coach who was already in a job.

My hunch is that they will have already written this season off and will be planning extensive recruitment for next season - with Moyes still in charge.
UKRob said:
Van Persie's goals masked some other shortcomings last season and Moyes has been unlucky to lose him for most of this season. Don't agree with Richard that Moyes' appointment was questionable, it was never likely that they would go for a controversial name and they were unlikely to tempt any top European coach who was already in a job.

My hunch is that they will have already written this season off and will be planning extensive recruitment for next season - with Moyes still in charge.

As a very biased Liverpool fan I hope Moyes stays for at least another year - he's doing a great job.
I'm enjoying the downfall of Utd being an Arsenal fan!

But yeah Moyes was always gonna have a tough time replacing Taggart in his first season in charge. People said more creativity in midfield, Mata's arrival shall help but they have no defensive midfielder, no Ronaldo type wide man and a dominant centre-back, Vidic' is at the end of the season I think, they need a replacement. The spine of the team needs to be replaced really. Too many average players are in the side, Cleverley, Valencia, Kagawa, etc all need to go. Top quality needs to come in this summer.
This appeared in my Twitter timeline....

no body would want to replace fergie, hence moyes getting it

it was and still is the next appointmentthat makes the difference. step forward pepe gardiola in a couple of years time
United supporter. Immediate issue is obvious. Moyes is an appalling appointment. The mother of all Djemba Djemba moments from Fergie. Beggars belief when, if the media are to be believed, Mourinho wanted the job. I'll be utterly astonished if Moyes turns it around and is a success at the club. Seems a decent guy and all that, but all the evidence indicates he's simply not up to the job - drips negativity, tactically inept, wedded to outdated football, made a rod for his own back clearing out a successful back room team. The team's now playing with so little confidence they can barely pass to a team mate.

Fergie took essentially the same squad and created a team that were more than the sum of the individual parts, Moyes consistently does the opposite. I hope the board sack him at the end of the season and make a far better appointment. If that means overriding Fergie's view so be it. If not another season of dross and wasted £millions beckons.

Replacing Fergie was never going to be easy, but the wider issue is the continued albatross of the Glazers' ownership. Any reasonable observer can see this has seriously hampered investment in the squad at the same time as competition has stiffened markedly from the newly minted Chelsea and City, resurgent Liverpool and Arsenal etc, not to mention Bayern, Barca, Real, PSG...on the European stage. A fan boycott would be necessary to hasten the departure of those parasites. A few idealistic souls like myself have been doing that since their takeover, but the likelihood of it happening on the scale necessary is slim to zero. Stuck with them for the foreseeable.

An opportunity for other clubs to make hay until as and when United get their act together again.
I dont really follow any team other than North End (Preston for those not wise to which team Im refering to).

Bu Im puzzled, when Moyes was managing North End the team flew, they were progressing up the division and really picked up for the first time in many many years. Then he left for Everton, and whilst most of the fans didn't like it we understood why he did - the we got Craig Brown and the team went to s*** again, in fact its been poo ever since really, but I support them because someone has to. And they are a local team for local people.

So, Im puzzled as to why they (MUFC) have fared poorly now. Im sure its not all Moyes fault, but the passing of Fergie has demotivated the team and he is a hard act to follow.
UKRob said:
Van Persie's goals masked some other shortcomings last season and Moyes has been unlucky to lose him for most of this season. Don't agree with Richard that Moyes' appointment was questionable, it was never likely that they would go for a controversial name and they were unlikely to tempt any top European coach who was already in a job.

My hunch is that they will have already written this season off and will be planning extensive recruitment for next season - with Moyes still in charge.

I'm not that sure about that Rob, bear with me.

This would highlight a far greater fear of the stock market/exchange by the owners of united than what should have been a straight forward changing of the guard. Fergie could have announced at the beginning of last season that it will be his last and put in place a structured transfer plan for that season and the beginning of this one. He couldn't do that, which has resulted in a wasted twelve months in regards to now requiring a wholesale clear out and replacement.

To only let him announce his retirement at that point in the season closed the door on many top coaches who would have been pushing their CV's through the door that would completely eclipsed that of Moyes, with a season to go to allow ease of movement changing jobs.

His utter disregard in dismissing a back room staff of that strength, knowledge and united know how is side splittingly hilarious, players that well campaigned walking in to be trained by Jimmy Lumsden and Steve Round (probably really nice blokes) must have most of the seasoned players stood hands on hips shaking their heads in utter contempt.

With you on the writing this season off, but you have to include next season as well. This should be handy for Moyes as he only has to concentrate on the League without CL distractions and their merchandise, sponsor and gate income will negate the CL money. But there is the problem, he can only miss next season, as two seasons back to back without CL will have far further reaching negative impact on all of the above whilst strengthening everyone else around them.

Don't forget RVP's track record Rob, looks like it could be the same as his Arsenal career but in reverse whilst at United.

The purchase of Mata could prove a slight problem for him as well, this isn't a player who slots into a mid-field, he's player that needs the mid-field built around him. Great player though and still gutted.

Just need to hang in there Shavecraft, every cloud and all that.
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