Under the chin and neck

Preston, UK
Been SE shaving now for a good couple of months and still cannot get a smooth shave on the neck area and if I persist on this I end up sore under there I notice there are others that have issues with the neck area has anyone any advice? The rest of the shave is a pleasure!
What kind of soap are you using for a start off?...and what razor/ blade combination....

Under the neck area can be tricky sometimes 'til you get "really" used to your razor, as with the neck area, you can tend to use different angles to those you use for the rest of your face..You might try shorter strokes, as opposed to full sweeps from edge of jaw to collar..this will help you keep the correct angle better..

Also don't be tempted into using a bit of extra pressure to get the remnants of stubble..I know its tempting, but it leads to soreness,as does the odd extra pass or two over areas with no soap on them...just a dab of soapy water with the finger tips is better than no soap at all...

Like someone on here once said...a BBS shave only lasts a few hours, soreness can last for days.
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