Closed UK Pass Around: Bunny Razor V3 - Finished.

Enough of all that culture. The Bunny V3 wants to have some fun...

Lol great photo
So my thoughts after a fortnight with the Bunny..
As with any Injector, blades make a big difference and to be honest is was a little underwhelmed whilst using the Chinese Schick blades - not particularly smooth IMO.. Very aggressive ATG even with the MILD comb in place, in fact a could not shave ATG with it.
However, drop in a NOS Schick Twin and a different ball park is opened up; SMOOTH as smooth McSmooth... Again I still can't go ATG, but I really don't need to. DFS bordering on BBS is peice of cake and genuinely more than enough fur a daily shave.
My only problem area is right under my nose, sometimes I miss a little and have to revisit.. It is easier with a Schick N1 for example..
The spring is a little loose, but Tom reckons on this being an easy fix. I have not bothered with the fix, as at the moment it does not affect the shave. It will be interesting to see how it progresses.
Overall this is a marvellous shaving tool...
Would I buy one? Hmmm - on the fence at the moment, if the price was right I may consider one. The work and development that has gone into this is worth supporting..
Well done Tom @twhite510, fabulous achievement and I hope things develop well for the Bunny...

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The Bunny and the shaving oil

King of Shaves Sensitive Advanced Shave Oil
Bunny V3 (MILD, or so I thought)
Chinese Schick blade (4)
Brimstone Alum block
Tüff sensitiv? ASL
Speick Men ASB

I had a really good shaving oil only shave with my Schick N3 yesterday and today I tried to replicate the experience with the Bunny. I tried to be careful not to get my right hand oily because I feared the Bunny would be quite slippery when oily. The razor however picks up tiny amounts of oil quite quickly just by rinsing it in hot water in the sink. A slippery Bunny is quite difficult to handle. I really had to concentrate hard not to drop it.
The end result after WTG/XTG/XTG/ATG is spectacular. But at a price. I knew I had overdone it, when the final cold water rinse stung a tiny bit :eek: The alum block stung like hell and even my mildest ASL (Tüff sensitiv) gave me an experience I'd rather not repeat. I opted to calm things down with Speick Men balm. No lasting irritation. Phew!
I don't think I'll do an oil only shave with the Bunny again. It's too difficult to handle when oily and I did punish my face a bit much. I'm sure my face will get a rest tomorrow as it is as smooth as it gets and there won't be anything to shave tomorrow. For oil shaves I'll stick with my Schick N3. The rubber handle is grippy even if oily.
Wed 13 April- Bunny V3 has come to Kent
As I was out yesterday, had to visit RM Office at "Sparrows", to collect the Bunny.

Was like surgery opening the box, even SWBO was intrigued. But here it is.


It is not as Heavy as I thought it would be, and feels very tactile.Noted that it was fitted up to go "wild ", so without delay changed to a '' notso ", as that it the kind of setting that I use on an adjustable.Removal and changing of the combs a doddle.

Fitting a blade is the next operation, a Chick it will be. Have heard a NOS Twin is good , and as I have none, will later cash in on the use one from the Parcel. I will be using it today as I deliberately
delayed my early morning shave. Thanks in anticipation , to Tom For the Pass Around.
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Enjoy the Bunny

  1. Nico1970
  2. Bechet
  3. globalm
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  6. Burgundy
  7. Tall_Paul
  8. Boab
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The list is open.

Legend: Waiting, On the way to, Currently with, Completed
Done It Already. To pardon an expression I have seen used , was " Dolphin Smooth"

First Bunny Shave.
Fitting a Blade is no problem. Today started of with Schick " Chick" on a " Notso" setting. Using a tried and tested soap [ Vitos Red ] lathered up well. Using the razor head flat against the face, it was possible by feel to get the right angle, if it was not right - no soap was removed. The shave was so smooth, I understand why some might over shave and create irritation. It was particularly good around the neck, and with the exception of the upper lip, ranks as one of the best shaves I have had with any razor. I will put a report in SOTD.

Those of you on the pass around list are in for a Treat.
Done It Already. To pardon an expression I have seen used , was " Dolphin Smooth"

First Bunny Shave.
Fitting a Blade is no problem. Today started of with Schick " Chick" on a " Notso" setting. Using a tried and tested soap [ Vitos Red ] lathered up well. Using the razor head flat against the face, it was possible by feel to get the right angle, if it was not right - no soap was removed. The shave was so smooth, I understand why some might over shave and create irritation. It was particularly good around the neck, and with the exception of the upper lip, ranks as one of the best shaves I have had with any razor. I will put a report in SOTD.

Those of you on the pass around list are in for a Treat.
Thanks. Just for reference: The SOTD post can be found here.
Done It Already. To pardon an expression I have seen used , was " Dolphin Smooth"

First Bunny Shave.
Fitting a Blade is no problem. Today started of with Schick " Chick" on a " Notso" setting. Using a tried and tested soap [ Vitos Red ] lathered up well. Using the razor head flat against the face, it was possible by feel to get the right angle, if it was not right - no soap was removed. The shave was so smooth, I understand why some might over shave and create irritation. It was particularly good around the neck, and with the exception of the upper lip, ranks as one of the best shaves I have had with any razor. I will put a report in SOTD.

Those of you on the pass around list are in for a Treat.
Aye..Its a Cracking Smooth Shaver..It does get under the Nose once you get the Confidence to push it right under but I did Nick my Nose a couple of Times..Good Report..Oh..Yeah..The Buggers might have Polished it cause its Friggin Manky..:eek:

Aye..Its a Cracking Smooth Shaver..It does get under the Nose once you get the Confidence to push it right under but I did Nick my Nose a couple of Times..Good Report..Oh..Yeah..The Buggers might have Polished it cause its Friggin Manky..:eek:

Hi Billy,
Just applied a bit Of TLC, looking better already.
Mike B
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