Travel Razor

I have and like the Feather. It's the most aggressive razor I have, well ahead of my Merkur HD. Haven't tried the Merkur travel one, though I am tempted :).

The Feather box is neat, but I have to keep it in its cardboard outer as the catch its not enough to hold it shut in my wash bag.

It's a very pleasant object, all in all.
The Merkur travel is (for me) a totally different beast from the razors in that the handle is so short & light it'll show up any faults in technique fast. It's a gr8 way to make sure that you have optimal shaving angle as your finger & thumb are almost holding the shaving head. I found it a great wee razor in its holder for popping in my pocket for away weekends. Usual Merkur quality of engineering.

JohnyO. \:icon_razz:
Actually I see no point in the travel razors. They are not considerably smaller than the normal ones they are just unusably smaller. I use my Gillette Slim Twist as a traver razor. For me weight matter more than plus 1" in handle length... what, you have a travel toothbrush as well with a 2" handle? :D I don't thin so...
The Merkur travel razor fits into a tiny pouch and takes up little space in your wash bag.

It has the standard Merkur head. I found it to be top heavy due to the light, hollow handle and overall I didn't rate it much.

Normal size razors don't take up that much space when travelling, and my (DE) razor of choice when on the move is the Wilkinson Sword Classic. As it is pretty light and I'm not bothered so much if it gets damaged or lost in transit.
Smell The Glove said:
Normal size razors don't take up that much space when travelling, and my (DE) razor of choice when on the move is the Wilkinson Sword Classic. As it is pretty light and I'm not bothered so much if it gets damaged or lost in transit.

I've got a Lord L5 for the same didn't stop me buying a D87 to match my Wardonia travel kit though. Vanity or what?

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