Traditional Shaving, modern purchasing.

Your argument is less than convincing.
How long did it take before you got a decent shave with a straight Shanky? It's not just about time spent maintaining, most people don't want to have to learn a new skill in order to do something they don't enjoy. The majority want it done as quick as possible so they can forget about it until the next time they have to do it. I would say the overwhelming reason people go back to DE shaving is because cartridge and or electric gives them problems. A lot of people obviously don't have issues with the systems or if they do they aren't bad enough to warrant looking at alternatives.

since shanky is probably hiding under his desk ( keeping an eye out for joe, armed with a baseball bat )..... I can tell you that there is NOTHING convenient about shaving with a straight razor at all...just a quick slap up and down a strop....nothing quick in that at all, no sir.
When I shave with one every body has to know about it, and I wait until they f***off so thats not convenient at all is it!! as for DE / SE shaving spending 35 minutes
shaving time not an in and out job is it.
As for the straight razor shaving that takes me 45 minutes and don't even include spending my sunday's honing neither....I guess its a labour of love ( and me being a tight fist refusing to pay for carts).
as for DE / SE shaving spending 35 minutes
shaving time not an in and out job is it.

Wow, 35 minutes ..................... Either the west of Scotland where I live is in a different time dimension or I'm the fastest moving OAP around ! Either way I'm in and out of the bathroom in around 10 minutes in the morning. (That's face lathering and shaving with an SE usually).

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

LOL :blush: no I just like taking my time, with my DE / straight razors they are vintage so I clean them afterwards, they are clean, and will stay clean....and I'm probably doing it to annoy the wife :icon_twisted:
NotTheStig said:
Takes me about twenty minutes without cleaning it afterwards.
Are we talking about shaving or...

LOL If its the other thing,that takes me about 20 minutes + cleaning + a smoke + a slash + a drink.... How ever I've done my back in so nothing of the :blush: virility going on.......yet.
Takes me approximately the same time to shave with a DE as with a cartridge, blood loss about the same, if the cartridge was significantly faster or safer would still be using a cartridge.

I take about 15/20mins in the bathroom depending if it is work day or not. That includes taking a dump and fannying around with my poncy electric toothbrush which has a timer (2 & 1/2 mins).

@ Shanky,
I'd like to convert as many people as possible to a straight razor, but saying a straight razor is just as convenient as a DE is just ignoring the facts. Whether you strop at night or strop in the morning it still takes time and skill.

There is also the notion that cartridges are for the middle class man. There's something to be said about mass brainwashing.
Those inclined can buy perfectly decent supermarket-brand cartridges if they wish. I think DE, as the most ubiquitous example for this forum, is also about having fewer bumps and shaving rash etc. or about something a bit different or, to a lesser extent, perceived by some to be a bit more upmarket (I'm thinking of the stainless steel DE razors).
I still use a Wilkinson Sword FX and a Gillette Contour sometimes and they are quicker. I would never go back to gel or foam permanently though.
I moved away from Mach 3 and everything before as i always suffered from ingrown hairs and bad razor rash. This has ceased since DE shaving but i will admit that the actual razor and blade isn't the one part of the new routine that has made the major difference.

Ive actually shaved a few times since with a Mach 3 or equivalent and had good results, the main difference is that i now take a couple of minutes more prior to dragging steel across my face in proper preparation, after a shower and face lathering with either soap or cream and finishing with a good AS and or Balm.

This seems to me that the crap out of the cans was what was causing my problems, will stay with the DE's though as i now find the carts flimsy and unbalanced.

What's wrong with that? Some people prefer watching TV to shaving. I know I bloody well do. Anyone who doesn't should go and take their head for a wobble.

I also prefer spending time with the kids, or reading, or on hobbies, or working.

I do only what is needed or what I want to do.

Nothing else.
.and I'm probably doing it to annoy the wife Icon_twisted

Ah John, we may well be brothers under the skin & I can learn muchly from you ! That must be one of the very few ways I hadn't thought of to "innocently" provoke her.
Enjoy your leisurely morning rituals & I hope the back recovers soon.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

LOL We could be brother's from another mother, yes indeed, my razor antics did drive the misses nuts, but she did start that off slamming the fridge door when I shave with my straight razor:huh:
and refused to understand why I love shaving with all these DE/SE razors... so I shaved part of her leg with a straight / she was impressed with the finish

How ever if you want to get her to understand your love for old school shaving she should shave with a DE razor that's what I let my wife do... yes indeed they don't learn unless they do what we do. After you've got her to do that she might leave you alone
my one did..... slowly slowly catch the monkey :icon_twisted:

As for my back, it's on the mend now thank's ,but I don't think brake dancing is on the cards just yet.

No judgement from here mate.

Maximizing what ever time you like is perfect, as long as it's a conscious choice.

My point is that many people, none mentioned, none forgotten, blame their hectic lives for this and that, yet at the same time statistics does not lie, they find a few hours for telly every day. I just hope the same people do not tell a story about hwy they didn't do the things they really wanted, because of some circumstance that was completely within their power to change.

I'm all for not spending the whole day shaving, after all, it's just shaving! That's my take on it.

And I also prefer most other activities to shaving.
