Traditional Shaving, modern purchasing.

I find it interesting that to purchase traditional shaving products, you have to oftentimes, resort to the modern online purchasings. I suppose it's the devils multiblade systems forcing everything else off the shelves due to the higher markups they offer. A few basics have appeared in the supermarkets and most department store have a strange selection of the expensive stuff. The midrange stuff isn't readily available anywhere, apart from a few specialist shops that may be out there that I have yet to find.

Do people think there isn't enough demand for traditional shaving products, or if shops stocked more they would sell.

Would just be interested to hear what you all think.
It is not in the supermarkets interests to stock too many things that will affect their margins on the gillette fusion et al.

Hence they stock just a few basics.

Sometimes though you find a hidden gem
Even if DE or 'traditional' shaving gear was more readily available I don't think it'd sell at all.

Most of the male population have more important things to think about than using old fashioned methods for scraping dead skin and unwanted hair from their faces when they are staggering bleary-eyed round their bathrooms at daft o'clock in the morning.

Let's have it right ... if men really, really loved to shave with DEs then the cartridge and disposable wouldn't have got a look in.
asharperrazor said:
Cartridge = faster & more convenient than a DE.

DE loses.

DE = faster and more convenient than a straight razor.

Straight razor loses.

And so it goes.

a straight razor shave doesnt really take that much longer than a de really.

at least in my personal experience

if it was about speed we would not be using soap and just shaving with water then slapping cream on to sooth the burn
shanky887614 said:
a straight razor shave doesnt really take that much longer than a de really.

Stropping before and drying after doesn't add any time at all?

In today's busy world, even seconds of 'faffing about' will get most folk's backs up.
Re: RE: Traditional Shaving, modern purchasing.

joe mcclaine said:
shanky887614 said:
a straight razor shave doesnt really take that much longer than a de really.

Stropping before and drying after doesn't add any time at all?

In today's busy world, even seconds of 'faffing about' will get most folk's backs up.

It is all about time. I don't find a DE shave takes any longer than a cartridge shave, but cleaning the razor and changing the blade does. With a straight the maintenance of the blade is obviously a factor.

Cartridges require less effort, a bit like frozen veg. it doesn't mean they are better.
joe mcclaine said:
shanky887614 said:
a straight razor shave doesnt really take that much longer than a de really.

Stropping before and drying after doesn't add any time at all?

In today's busy world, even seconds of 'faffing about' will get most folk's backs up.

The stropping and honing add significantly to the total time spent. Plus it's rather inconvenient. Much easier to throw out the blade.
Very interesting, shops give massive space to the cartridge systems, because of the massive markups they give them, and we've all been bombarded with advertising that tells us a million blade cartridge and foam from a can in best, yet no one thinks given the choice most people would switch because of the time factor. Is the massively reduced cost not going to make some people willing to lose some of the convenience?
I've recently come from cartridge shaving which I've never got on with and found shaving a chore so only used to shave once a week if that.
Since moving to de shaving I would say it takes a few minutes longer in total with lathering up properly and cleaning up after but I don't mind what was a chore has now become something I look forward to so much so that I shave nearly every day
So I don't think time comes into it now. If they advertised de shaving as the new way over cartridge shaving and priced it that way ie more expensive again then I'm sure more people would move over as advertising is key it's a very affective form of brain washing. Look at food say aunt Bessie's Yorkshire puds for example they are rubbish but most people buy them as they think there quicker when in reality it only takes a couple of mins to make a batter and the cooking time is the same
+1 Brian. Brainwashing and perception are absolutely key. Time and convenience are huge factors too.

In my attempts to point out the savings to family members, my Brother Neil has taken to the DE like a duck to water whilst his twin insists scraping a dirt cheap disposable is all he can be arsed with. My Father steadfastly refused to even consider it and categorically stated that DE's don't work. No-one can suggest anything to him especially me. :icon_rolleyes:
Washing clothes in a washing machine is more convenient than bashing them on rocks in the river.

A car is more convenient than a horse.

Biro is more convenient than quills.

Fair dues, there are some eccentrics who LOVE all the palarvor and sense of one-upmanship doing something 'quirky' gives them while they try to tell everyone else how stupid they are for getting sucked into the 'hype'.

For 99.99% of the male population, shaving features a VERY long way down a VERY long list of priorities, so please don't for one minute think the rest of the male population will embrace DE shaving.





Just enjoy the forums for what they are ... a place where 'like-minded' folk can chat about a common interest but you're not going to change the world. That ship has sailed.
I've looked into this a bit, in my local area of dartford, became obsessed with it, even going around spying on shops. Most of them just stock odds and ends...blades at best ....however John Lewis stocks talor's shaving creams, and Kent BK2 / Kent shaving soaps,and some nice branded aftershaves at bluewater.
I shave the night before to avoid being time being a factor. I also find it good for stress at the end of the day. If I need a quick shave in the morning then two passes with a cartridge and shaving cream (maybe Noxzema foam) will do the job but I shave seven days a week anyway
joe mcclaine said:
Washing clothes in a washing machine is more convenient than bashing them on rocks in the river.

A car is more convenient than a horse.

Biro is more convenient than quills.

Fair dues, there are some eccentrics who LOVE all the palarvor and sense of one-upmanship doing something 'quirky' gives them while they try to tell everyone else how stupid they are for getting sucked into the 'hype'.

For 99.99% of the male population, shaving features a VERY long way down a VERY long list of priorities, so please don't for one minute think the rest of the male population will embrace DE shaving.





Just enjoy the forums for what they are ... a place where 'like-minded' folk can chat about a common interest but you're not going to change the world. That ship has sailed.

I don't for one minute think I'm goin to convert everyone, just wondered if the reason it so hard to buy traditionally, I.e in the shops. I wondered if it was lack of demand or simply that the cartridge systems owned the market and had such a massive markup and brilliant advertising, they didn't want to risk losing any custom to DE.
joe mcclaine said:
shanky887614 said:
a straight razor shave doesnt really take that much longer than a de really.

Stropping before and drying after doesn't add any time at all?

In today's busy world, even seconds of 'faffing about' will get most folk's backs up.

you dont need to strop before shave. strop the night before or after a couple shaves.

and with drying i just do strop motion on towel.

usually shave at night but might do a couple passes in the morning if i feel stubbld

(thats a quick one with no water/cream and put some of blighties best to try to tame the burn
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