TOBS Shaving Shop v TOBS Eton College Collection

I'm just about to purchase a new 'never tried' shaving cream. I'm torn between TOBS Shaving Shop and TOBS Eton College Collection.

I'm also re-stocking on T&H 1805 cream.

But would welcome some opinions on the two TOBS creams and which is the most 'old school classic' in fragrance terms.

Thanks gents.
I got TOBS Sandalwood and Jermyn street Collection and love both the performance and the smell. and yesterday i posted a thread on the soap section(should be the cream section, sorry for that) asking the smell and performance of Shaving shop smell, and I have been told it smells very nice.
All I can suggest is Buy Both of them LOL, everyones taste is different especially when it comes to this sort of thing, probably i will end up buying both of them as well
good luck
1. Life may well turn out to be longer than you might think. 2. There is but one way to discover which is the most 'old school classic' in fragrance terms to your nose.

Why not flip a coin and buy one now and the other later? You're worth it!
It's worse than that. I also bought a tub of GFT, a tube of Musgo Real, a tube of Proraso Blue, a tub of 1805, a 100 pack of Gillette 7 O'clock yellows and a new razor stand.

I should have my MacBook confiscated, really.
sagesmith said:
It's worse than that. I also bought a tub of GFT, a tube of Musgo Real, a tube of Proraso Blue, a tub of 1805, a 100 pack of Gillette 7 O'clock yellows and a new razor stand.

I should have my MacBook confiscated, really.

Commendably restrained! Wait on till you wander up-market - it's a gradual, creeping process - lovely stuff but - well, you work hard, don't you?
NotTheStig said:
"till you wander up-market" - a sleight if ever I saw one :-D
You accuse me of cunning and artifice whereas I was issuing a warning and a prediction. Do I own an up-market shaving shop? No! I am a victim like the rest of you. Woe is us! for we are doomed to penury!

I was dithering and prevaricating, unable to make up my mind between two Tom Ford's so I bought a small, cheaper Tom Ford to get the monkey off my back. Of course, that didn't work so I went ahead and bought an expensive Tom Ford- one of the two. Had a sleep on that and woke up all decisive and bought an expensive Tom Ford - one of the two. Cunningly (I know!), it was the other of the two! Would you believe, I'd forgotten all about buying the first expensive bottle? Fortunately, I don't have to convince anybody. Anyway, the point of that little ditty is that a few short months ago I scoffed at the idea of paying Tom Ford prices - but if you creep up on anything at all, tain't so bad when you get there. No - I'm not convinced either - but we all do it!
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