Thought on scents

I've noticed how some scents, like Tabac, really seem to polarise opinion. When I use the a/s it starts out quite pungent, but mellows out after about an hour and gains a very pleasant rounded scent with a certain rich sweetness and just a hint of tobacco.

I've also tried DRH Marlborough, which starts out very similar. It started out smelling a bit like stale cigarettes and, after an hour or so, smelt just the same. My wife confirms this, saying the Tabac smells much nicer.

Yet I know Marlborough has its fans, and there are plenty of people who think Tabac is completely rancid.

This makes me wonder if the various opinions on scents are as much to do with how they react with an individual's skin as anything else.
I think it reacts with different "skin chemistry" as they like to call it on basenotes.

Also, each nose is different, so that's 2 variables already.

Yes I think different scents do react differently with body chemistry...I for instance cannot use citrus fragrances...I love the long as the stuff stays in the bottle and not on me...

I'm blessed or cursed with a very acute sense of smell...
Of course soaps and their scents do react with the skin odour, but I think it all comes down to personal preference for scents... I don't have to actually use those soaps to tell that I adore the scent of Marlborough, don't mind the one from Tabac but absolutely hate Trumper's Rose (which a lot of people seem to like).
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