Third go with a DE today

The previous two goes at DE shaving went "ok", certainly not as good as I had hoped but not bad enough to put me off. Had a nice hot shower, hot towell on face, good lather with TOBS Jermyn St Sensitive cream and away we went with my EJ DE89 and 7'Oclock Yellow blades. I feel it went much better today and ended up with just 2 small nicks (sorted with my stick) and almost baby smooth. WTG, XTG and finally ATG and had a few patches which obviously I hadn't got the angle quite right at so lathered those bits up and focussed on them, all sorted (not sure if the going over individual patches is the correct routine... but it worked for me?!). Anyway, much happier with todays result, another go in a day or two.
smartmove said:
The previous two goes at DE shaving went "ok", certainly not as good as I had hoped but not bad enough to put me off. Had a nice hot shower, hot towell on face, good lather with TOBS Jermyn St Sensitive cream and away we went with my EJ DE89 and 7'Oclock Yellow blades. I feel it went much better today and ended up with just 2 small nicks (sorted with my stick) and almost baby smooth. WTG, XTG and finally ATG and had a few patches which obviously I hadn't got the angle quite right at so lathered those bits up and focussed on them, all sorted (not sure if the going over individual patches is the correct routine... but it worked for me?!). Anyway, much happier with todays result, another go in a day or two.

Whenever I do an ATG pass, I normally do a bit of touching up on areas that aren't as smooth as I would like. "Buffing" (lots of short little strokes) these areas works well for me.

Not everyone's skin can take ATG everday so don't overdo it at first. I've dropped back to once every other day at most, and my skin is happier for it.

Fourth go today and I think I am getting it! 1 little nick today and a very smooth shave. Very happy that it's finally coming together and now I feel 100% confident I will not need to return to multi blade cartridges :)
I found it took me a few shaves before I became comfortable. Technique is everything especially ATG. I tend to do a 2 pass WTG/XTG and a touchup ATG where I need to get at little bit closer.

Sounds like you're getting there. Well done
Keep with it matey. My first couple of weeks DE shaving, I was as stubbly as anything, and if I'm not looking what I'm doing, I can still get patches and irritation but the damn fine shaves do start to come with a bit of patience.
You're in the right place here and amongst friends.:icon_biggrin:
I've had a few more shaves since my last post and feel I am getting a technique together although I still seem to have to spend a fair bit at the end tidying up patches that the blade doesn't appear to have got in the normal passes. I am tempted to try the feather blade at some point! I have been using Bluebeards Revenge cream on the last 2 shaves and I like it although I "think" I may still prefer my original TOBS Jermyn St Sensitive cream?! I really like the Bluebeards ASB though, haven't used the Nivea ASB for a few shaves now.
Remember: It's the Journey; not the Destination that matters.
You'll never reach perfection, you were never meant to.

(am I using Arko and Derby products to often???)
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