Things are starting to get a little crazy...

Wearing a mask can help stop the spread, but it does not protect you. Because the pathogen can enter the body through your eyes. No kidding. Walking around additionally with diving or ski goggles would help.
I agree, for full protection you need a full face mask and gloves and lots more in your pocket because will be changing them throughout the day, I've got some goggles coming from Amazon for when's have to get on public transport!
Also as it has already been said you will also need to go through a stringent decontamination process when you get home!

Edit: to be fair the question was should I wear a mask? I thought I ansewered that particular question, but you are correct it's not enough.
So, if I've followed the thread correctly, you'll be on public transport soon wearing a vacuum bag and swimming goggles?
[...] I've got some goggles coming from Amazon for when's have to get on public transport!
Also as it has already been said you will also need to go through a stringent decontamination process when you get home!

In the age of selfie-sticks and co. you will probably be an exception, but that is the only right attitude.

As for the decontamination process, I do change my clothes and put them on the balcony.

Wear one, always err on the cautious side, it will defo do no harm and will at least ease your conscience, I am in the very high risk factor being on oxygen 24/7, I am waiting on masks from ebsy...and I will be wearing them. My " instructions" are not to go outside for 3 months...only my garden, but I cannot do that, my wife does not drive so I will drive her and maybe go into a shop masked up... I think 3 months is pushing anyones limit.
Sorry to hear you are on oxygen 247' that must be quite unnerving to be in such a high risk bracket, 3 months is a long time but once it is all over think of the years you could be spending with your wife. Stay safe! P.
The schools were shut down here weeks ago, a lot of prefectures declared a state of emergency and advised people to stay home as much as possible. Unlike the UK, people listened and followed the advice. Every shop, supermarket, restaurant etc has hand sanitizer at the door as you go in. Toilet paper is readily available , there was no panic buying (except for face masks) or stockpiling as far as I could see. I would say 99% of people are wearing masks, normally when you see someone in a mask here it means they have a cold and are trying not to spread it but now everyone seems to be wearing them as a precaution. The number of cases is still increasing but nowhere near as fast as Europe, I think there are around 1100.

My local viiage shop started yesterday to only allow two people in at a time, a very good idea if you ask me, although it's ok while its dry but I can see problems when it's raining hard and there is a que of shoppers outside getting wet!
We all will need to get used to changes like this and keep calm.. P.
Here's a nice little overview of the new Emergency Coronovirus Bill that has made its way through Parliament. Interesting to hear about the new powers for the Police et al, and even the suspension of certain types of litigation for medical negligence. Plus how dead bodies will be managed

interesting article suggesting the corona virus may already have been in the uk as early as november/december. makes a lot of sense to me as i swear i had it over new year, i had the classic symptoms and it properly kicked my tits in