The Shaving Room "Where are you map"

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Just noticed im pretty lonley on the south coast my nearest partner in crime is fido, but he is a way away.

i might walk round town handing out leaflets or something :)
Nearly as many in the midlands as in Yorkshire now, lets have a fight raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar :lol:
Whippets, nay lad, Lurchers are the dog of choice up north as it'll bring back yer tea while oot for a walk.
stop off at pub on way yam and have a pint of mud and back t' beat wife.

NAILS :lol:
I've marked myself. Do I get a Shandy? Oh, what are Shandys, before I get too carried away? If it's a malt beverage, I'll drink one, but I like XX (Mexican beer), also known as Dos Equis, for the more formal among us. By the way, a couple of weeks ago I enjoyed a Black and White, made with Guinness and Bass, is that right? Anyway, I like your website. This is where I picked up the link to someone selling Gillette Platinums (Swedes) a week or so ago, and thanks to you guys, now I am nicely provisioned for about another 15 years with some really good old blades. Thanks! it was brothers that set off the famous transatlantic Swede rush in 2009, just add some lemonade to that beer or lager and you'll have yourself a shandy.

Shandy drinker is also used as a derogatory term used by Northerner's against Southerner's because of it's low alcohol content so is seen as a drink for the ladies.

I prefer mine over ice with a shot of blackcurrant. ;)
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