The Shaving Room "Where are you map"

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At the risk of being the first to be banned from the forum for multiple posts I thought this would be the best place to post this since it is he highest traffic area and not everyone visits the Welcome and Lounge sub forums often.

This is the last time I will post it,

I created this map so we can see where we all are. This doesn't need to go to a street level (although you can if you want), you can just mark the nearest town or main road close to where you are if you do not want to. It is a Google based map so it should be more familiar then the previous one I posted. Just zoom in, drag the map around then double click where you want to place your marker, the email address field is not mandatory.

I have made it so you can remove them if you change your mind. It is less buggy that the previous flippr map I posted in the lounge.

If you think it is a good idea then go ahead and add yourself. It may make group buys easier and perhaps meeting up for a pint if so inclined. Also if I am travelling to an area or need some local information about a shop you find online perhaps you could PM some if they are close and ask if they could find out more about it for you.
Ban!!!! I stickied this one and deleted the other to keep things tidy
Audiolab said:
Make that 12 boab had himself located twice, unless he has two homes?
Schoolboy error, I'm not very good with all this tinterweb technology.
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