The secret shaving cream is...

Hey guys,

Initially, it started out as a bit of fun but has frankly, become annoying for a while. I thought it was unusual no one had mentioned the cream or even the brand (as a cream). Like we had the lottery games and so on... I thought a 'guessing' game would be a good laugh. Kind of dragged on didn't it?
I must have sent out about 10 - 15 samples of the cream to various members.
This revelation is not going to rock the world of DE shaving, that's for sure. without further a do, the cream is Cyril Salter Wild Rose. I found this cream to be really good. Lathers up nicely. For a sweet rose smell it surprisingly works well as a daily cream. I found it was particularly good for those with heavier beards. Out of interest, of those I sent the cream to, no-one really was 'won over' enough to ask further about it. lol.


So, the secret is out! I enjoyed the suspense. I had a feeling it would be something that some folks have tried but never mentioned for whatever reasons. Actually, I have used cyril essential lime. It was a terrific scent for summer. performance wasn't as good as the Wild Rose - thanks again for sending me that sample. Cheers bud
antdad said:
Sonny you sound skinny so I'm glad I don't have to kick your skinny Indian butt to find out.

Yes Tony Soprano, my wallet and I have become lighter since gaining a SWMBO

Wow, Pompey going to Wembley. Fido will be pleased!
Didn't Cyril Salter play full-back for West Bromwich Albion between the wars? I've got a picture of him somewhere: Brylcreem, fag, baggy shorts.

My dad knew his son, hard bastard he was though.
I have the Citrus version of this cream and it is not bad cream at all, I just don't seem to want to smell it that often. It is not a bad small by any means, it is quite fruity and zesty but find I don't want that smell when shaving.
Sorry Arrow, it will be with you tomorrow the latest. Fingers crossed.

This is so strange, I remember scrolling through every review page at B&B for more info and never could find any. Now, a simple google search reveals it: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

In my experience, you really need to have a tougher than average beard to notice the difference. From the following:
palmolive stick, tabac, C&E soaps, Arko stick, trumpers coconut, 3 Tobs creams (inc. Avocado), wilkinson stick and a few others, the Cyril was better at softening the hairs. therefore making it easier to shave. I found the the razor just glides along with ease. It will also be different to other Cyril creams performance-wise, just like Tobs avocado seems to be the stand-out one in their line of creams.

USer Lagaffe should be able to shed more light as he loves Cyril sandalwood cream and I've sent him some wild rose. I'm interested to hear what he thinks. Over to you mate...
I'll let you know when it arrives :D

All I can say for now is that Cyril Salter Indian Sandalwood is my favourite cream. It was the first one I got after beginning with Omega cream, and it's gorgeous stuff. Heavily-scented, heavenly and - dare I say it - the best lathering cream I've tried.
lagaffe said:
I'll let you know when it arrives :D

All I can say for now is that Cyril Salter Indian Sandalwood is my favourite cream. It was the first one I got after beginning with Omega cream, and it's gorgeous stuff. Heavily-scented, heavenly and - dare I say it - the best lathering cream I've tried.

Mmmm. That sounds nice. PIF please!

I can return the favour with something equally unusual . . . .
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