The result of a moment of insanity

All of Gssixgun's video's are great.

His angle on honing is very good as well. He uses a modified version of Lynn Abrams system, And the angle he films those honing video's from make them very easy to watch and understand. His system is also very good. I use it myself.
You know how I said I would probably never use this? Then please tell me why I just purchased a strop from invisible edge? Those videos, by the way, make it look easy, however there is a world of difference between watching someone do something and actually doing it yourself. From what I have read so far, I understand the possibility of nicking the strop is very high during the learning process, what are the common reasons for this? I am just asking so that I know what to watch out for.

Thanks Guys
You nick the strop because of a failed flip.

The spine of the razor is your reference and key to avoiding this.

Spine goes on the strop first, Then the edge comes and meets the strop while the razor is moving in the correct direction. As you get to the end of the stroke the spine stays down and the edge is rotated over the spine but the edge does not touch the strop until the razor is moving in the other direction.

The perfect stroke lifts while still gong in the correct direction, then falls while moving in the opposite direction, And At all points the spine never leaves the strop.

If you touch the strop even for just a fraction of a second while moving in the wrong direction you will nick or slice the strop.

Provided the spine is down and the razor is moving in the correct direction it's very hard to slice the strop, You would have to put a high amount of pressure on the point and be working almost in an arc.

You do not need to strop fast. Even if you take 2 full seconds for a single pass, and another 2 seconds to flip your 40 laps are only 5 minutes worth of stropping. And you can strop at any time, not just before the shave. So if you want you can strop a few hours before the shave and pay real attention to it without having to worry about other things like sinks filling, brushes soaking, and face prep. Once you have the basic stroke you will naturally speed up but don't force it as that is when you make a £30 mistake!
The strop from The Invisible edge arrived today as well as the Kropp, I am off out tomorrow to buy a wee brass cup hook and hang the strop from the end of my bookcase in the bedroom, I don't really fancy leaving it in the bathroom as its quite damp in there.

I may Leave the actual shave until tomorrow night when I have more time. How long before the shave can I strop the razor? Knowing me I will want to try right after I hang the strop. Btw I tried to shave hair off my arm, I can feel the razor grabbing onto the hair and it cuts through them no problem, It didn't pass the hanging hair test but that could be down to me or it may need stropping. The strop has a canvas backing and I guess I need to use that side first then move to the leather side?

Re: RE: The result of a moment of insanity

jim3rg said:
The strop from The Invisible edge arrived today as well as the Kropp, I am off out tomorrow to buy a wee brass cup hook and hang the strop from the end of my bookcase in the bedroom, I don't really fancy leaving it in the bathroom as its quite damp in there.

I may Leave the actual shave until tomorrow night when I have more time. How long before the shave can I strop the razor? Knowing me I will want to try right after I hang the strop. Btw I tried to shave hair off my arm, I can feel the razor grabbing onto the hair and it cuts through them no problem, It didn't pass the hanging hair test but that could be down to me or it may need stropping. The strop has a canvas backing and I guess I need to use that side first then move to the leather side?

Nice one Jim! Looks like your set to go. I usually strop just before my shave, I don't think any strict ruling applies but I'm new to this type of shaving so I'm not a totally reliable source. I just watched loads of YouTube videos and asked as many questions I had on the forum before I began. It's not as daunting as it can sometimes be made out to be. Like with DE take your time and apply no pressure, who cares about the first couple of shaves, it's a learning curve and always will be. Good luck and happy shaving
I have yet to regret trying straight shaving. Trying the shavette as a stepping stone on the other hand! From nicks and stress to enjoying the time and experience.

My 4th shave or thereabouts:

My strop will be arriving in next day or so and blade feels like it needs it as not quite as smooth through the hair as previous shaves.
Thanks Nishy and Whosthedaddy. I am mostly looking forward to it but am a wee bit apprehensive too. Tomorrow evening is earmarked for the shave so we will see how that goes.

Very nice.

The HHT can be deceptive depending on your hair type.

My own hair only works at less than 1/2" and then it has to be a fairly long strand for it to work. My hair is very fine and very long so it's not a problem finding one.

The straight will not feel as sharp as the DE. Don't expect it to shave in the same way as a shavette either.

The spine should be between 1 and 2 spine widths off the face. 1/2" ish. Any more than that and it will not feel right. Use no pressure and just feel the edge on your skin, don't push the blade into the skin at all and you should be able to do your first pass on the cheeks without a problem.

If you open the razor 90 degrees you can test your grip, and hand positions using the spine on the face. Just make sure you don't go cutting yourself with the sharp edge pointing up!!!!

Take your time. If after stropping you feel nervous then just lather up in front of the mirror and examine the blade in relation to the face. Move slowly and deliberately It will feel very alien at first.

And lock the bathroom door... The last thing you want is for someone to walk in and shock you when your wound tight and have a sharp blade near your face.
Hi Jim

Today is the day! Good luck with the shave. There is a lot of good advice here in the thread and all will be fine. I have been straight shaving for quite some time now and I just learnt something new yesterday when watching a mr magnus shaving video on another tsr thread. A reminder that the learning curve is ongoing, but steepest where you are!

Take your time, you do not need to try three passes, it is fine to finish with one of those lovely de razors you have, no pressure on the blade, stretch the skin, and don't try to catch the straight if you drop it!

It is easier if you can use both hands, shave left side with left hand and right with right hand, but it can all be done with your normal hand too, though I think it is harder.

It is actually fun to shave this way, though it may be a few weeks before you would use that word.
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