the razor skill?

Saturday April 9, 2016
On a particular forum, its a firm belief that if you can shave yourself with a razor, that you can shave yourself with any razor and blade combination known to man kind, and get a shave without irritation or cuts.

For example we have "little chris". He decided he needs to start shaving. He gets himself say, a Feather Popular or a Wilkinson plastic DE razor. He loads it with Derby blades and lathers up and over a few months teaches himself how to shave every day, how to avoid cuts and nicks and irritation.

Once little chris has that first razor mastered, this forum says "chris, you can now take any razor you have read about and any blade you have heard of, and go get a 3 pass shave free of nicks and cuts and irritation."

SO little chris gets excited, and gets the most aggressive razor he has heard of, a muhle R41 and puts a feather blade in it. The first shave he gets is horrid so he goes back to the forum and asks why... and gets the following responses:

1. Your shaving wrong, if you can shave perfectly fine with the feather popular and a derby blade, you can get just as nice shaves with any razor, blade, soap combination known to man.
2. you broke the razor somehow, or the blade was damaged.
3. didn't anyone tell you that each razor shaves differently, and youll need to get a few shaves in with it in order to learn how to successfully shave with it?

I get all three responses, and I am curious what the English belief system says is the right answer for anyone new to a particular razor.
From my experience which is all I can hope to give, my answer is 3.

Different razors have slightly different angles and different razor are better with particular blades.

Once you have a basic technique then that will keep you in good stead but its that little 5% difference for me that makes a razor you have never used into a nick fest
In my little experience I would definitely go with and expand on 3.
Each razor and blade combo can give a different experience. Differences in aggression, in razors and blades. I think im close to right in saying to pair mild blades with aggressive razors and vise versa, to a certain extent.
The main veriable being the face in question. Some faces can cope with aggressive razors/blades. Others can't.
That's just my two-penn'orth.
But what do I know.
If in doubt have a wee dram.

One thing I do know is leave the razor alone if you've had one too many drams.

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She's..My Pump Puppet..:D:p:D

Greetings Billy

Exhaustive research has failed to reveal to me quite what a 'pump puppet' is so I have had to fall back on good old male logic with a hefty dollop of filth thrown in, so if that is what I think it is this old pensioner wouldn't mind a portion of it!!:rolleyes:

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