The NEW Rockwell 6s razor

They shave well. The razors, that is, not the shipping notifications. Need a longer handle, imo - of course - to balance out the weight in the head. I use a 100mm stainless fairly extreme epee handle - does a lovely job. I think I'll go upstairs and play with mine for a while, maybe see if I can juggle with the base plates. Really nice to have received it already and tried it out. Good sense of completion. Yeah - real nice!

Oh! yours haven't arrived yet, eh?
They shave well. The razors, that is, not the shipping notifications. Need a longer handle, imo - of course - to balance out the weight in the head. I use a 100mm stainless fairly extreme epee handle - does a lovely job. I think I'll go upstairs and play with mine for a while, maybe see if I can juggle with the base plates. Really nice to have received it already and tried it out. Good sense of completion. Yeah - real nice!

Oh! yours haven't arrived yet, eh?
Thanks for rubbing it in Carl.

FYI - I received my shipping notification last night.
All Fools' Day had a nice surprise for me. My Kickstarter replacement Rockwell 6S arrived, having apparently travelled via Belgium (don't ask me!).
It's a completely different article to the original in almost every respect, and far, far better. I'll give it a go tomorrow.
This is also reassuring, as I have backed the Rockwell T adjustable in the hope that the creators have learnt from the original problematic 6S. It's also really good that nowadays, there are still people around who will correct mistakes and stick to their word, as the Rockwell boys have done.
I sent Rockwell an email to confirm arrival and to thank them, and an hour or two later had a charming and courteous reply from Gareth. That went a long way to smoothing any remaining ruffled feathers.

I've just finished a first run with Plate 3, one of those superb Nacet blades, and OSP Bay Rum. This is a very good and smooth razor-2 passes and touch up does it for me. I think I'll move up in the plates to begin with, and then go down from 3. Because of the bulk in the baseplates, this is a heavy razor in the hand. but I rather like that. The substantial handle balances it up nicely.
I like this razor, which is another problem. I already have enough razors of all sorts to be able to use a completely different one every 4 or 5 days in a year, and the choice is getting confusing.
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I've tried mine on the "3" plate, and now the "4". It's definitely more aggressive, but still a smooth an irritation-free shave. How much is down the Nacet blade, I'm not sure, but I suspect that some of the ropier blades might be hard work.
"5" tomorrow, but I somehow don't think I'll be going on to "6".
Scrub that. I tried "5", then thought I'd try a second pass with "6". There doesn't seem to be a great deal of difference in feel, although the 6 plate gives as much feedback as the 5 on second pass i.e. it's working.
All in all, it's a good razor, with plenty of flexibility to suit the individual and any variations in stubble growth. I never dared use the original Kickstarter, as, judging from the photos around the web, mine was one of the less satisfactory.
However, I now have two decent handles and an "adjustable"razor that does what Rockwell set out to provide in the first incarnation.
That is, I believe, what's called a "result".
Gave mine it's first run out yesterday on Baseplate 3,using a GSB and Lait d'Anesse Bio soap.
It's the heaviest DE I've used and I'm not sure I'm keen on the slight loss of control that brings. The handle is super grippy which was good as I felt I needed it.
Did a full 3 pass and ended up with an excellent result that stayed smooth for a good long time. I will be trying no. 2 next as I didn't feel I would need anything more aggressive (I prefer a mild shaver). I reckon plate 2 will be closer to the AS-D2.
I'll save the higher numbers for when I have a few days growth.
@Ferrum Any idea what you are going to do with your original? I'd love to think of an alternative use for it.
Gave mine it's first run out yesterday on Baseplate 3,using a GSB and Lait d'Anesse Bio soap.
It's the heaviest DE I've used and I'm not sure I'm keen on the slight loss of control that brings. The handle is super grippy which was good as I felt I needed it.
Did a full 3 pass and ended up with an excellent result that stayed smooth for a good long time. I will be trying no. 2 next as I didn't feel I would need anything more aggressive (I prefer a mild shaver). I reckon plate 2 will be closer to the AS-D2.
I'll save the higher numbers for when I have a few days growth.
@Ferrum Any idea what you are going to do with your original? I'd love to think of an alternative use for it.
The handle I'll redeploy to other razors. The baseplates are a bit too heavy to have made into cufflinks or drop earrings (for the wife, not me), but they do look as if they could be used as some form of "steampunk" buckle or bowsie adjuster, perhaps on the pannier straps on one of my cycles, or a trouser belt. The top cap will, after welding to a stainless rod, make a handy and durable scraper for removing heavy rust from melodeon reeds before sonic-cleaning, tuning and rewaxing into the blocks.
The handle I'll redeploy to other razors. The baseplates are a bit too heavy to have made into cufflinks or drop earrings (for the wife, not me), but they do look as if they could be used as some form of "steampunk" buckle or bowsie adjuster, perhaps on the pannier straps on one of my cycles, or a trouser belt. The top cap will, after welding to a stainless rod, make a handy and durable scraper for removing heavy rust from melodeon reeds before sonic-cleaning, tuning and rewaxing into the blocks.

I like it! looks like some serious thought has gone in to it.
I'd only got as far as thinking of using the base plates as some sort of darts holders. I have numerous sets and the 3 holes are nicely spaced for inserting the darts points. I just need to somehow suspend them an inch off the table surface.
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