The long road to blade selection

Northampton, UK
Almost three months in to my return to DE shaving and I'm in a much better position than I was when I finally called it a day first time around. There are a number of reasons for this, I'm slightly older (maybe even a little wiser) but mostly, as I no longer have as much disposable income as I once had, and I suspect I'm not alone there, I have had to be very discerning about my purchases. In fact, my new shave den has almost exclusively been financed by selling off my old one. Things are also better this time around thanks to the innovations in synthetic brushes. So now I find myself for the very first time with a razor, brush and cream that actually work for me. The only stumbling block is blades.

I aim to shave at least every three days but in reality it can be sometimes be much longer than that. I have two very young children and I'm freelance so I often go without a shave due to lack of time and/or necessity. This can make improving my technique problematic, like golf if you're not doing it on a regular basis you can't expect to improve particularly quickly. The other thing is that it makes trying out blades a lengthly process, and there are SO many blades to try. As it's the one area (that's) so intensely personal, the only way to find the blades you like is to try them. All of them. Also, as my technique is still far from honed I sometimes wonder if it's me or the blade that is sub par on any given day. Fortunately, fidelity with my choice of razor, brush and cream limit that somewhat.

As I still have a selection of some blades from my first time, coupled with those I've been generously given by a couple of forum members (not to mention the ones, actually... three, I gained from the blade bazarr PIF) I have a few to be going on with but once again I feel I'm going to have to be as discerning as possible and limit myself to a list of ‘likely suspects'. I'm also going to have to keep a note of each blade as I find some blades have very little to differentiate between them. Some of the Russian blades look promising (the Rapiras, not the various Russian Gillettes) and I suppose it goes without saying that I'll have to try the Polsilver Super Iridiums just to cross them off the list (I have a dispenser with a couple of Gillette Swedes still left in it if anyone is interested in a small trade - Swedes are to date the only blade that I bought in bulk).

So, if I were to have a short list of say, seven blades... what would be the blades that you would urge me to try?
Make yourself a copy of NoTheStig's blade spreadsheet to keep records. That's what I've done, it gets a bit baffling as I was gifted around 15 different blades by a couple of kind members of this forum.

I've had my best results so far from the Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows and Sputnik Teflon coated.
From reading here the blades that seem to get the most recognition are...

Personna reds - Well thought of
Personna lab blues - People rave about it
Gillette Yellows (and other 7s) - Very sharp blade, less people dislike it than feathers
Gillette Superthin - Well thought of
Astra - Inexpensive, does a fine job
Feather - Sharpest blade.
Polsilver super iridiums - Well thought of (but out of production)

Nothing scientific there, just the blades that I think get mentioned the most.

I'm in a similar position where I now want to try a blade for a week or two to see how it really is in the long term, I've tried dozens of single blades now I want to settle with one. I'm on Gillette Yellows at the moment and I think I might prefer them over feathers. Next up are lab blues, then I'll probably go back to feathers, then timor, then polsilver, and I might at that point if I don't find something that beats yellows settle on that.
I would make an observation, it does not help shaving only every three days or so?

I never get a good/great shave if I leave it more than a day? Can I suggest something?

Shave each day, but do just one pass. It only takes five minutes, and will improve your skin, and when you have a full shave it will be much better with less nicks, and soreness after.

I'm new to de shaving (about a month now) and have tried several blades, I'm about to try Feathers next.
It's difficult this as it's so subjective but out of the blades I've used I like the ones below and they seem to be liked by many others:

1: Gillette 7 o'clock sharpedge (yellow pack)
2: Gillette 7 o'clock super stainless (green pack)
3: Rapira Swedish Supersteel
4: Astra SP
5: Gillette Superthin Thai (dark red / black pack)

You mentioned Russian blades being promising and you'd be right, I've not had a bad one yet from either of the big Petersburg and Moscow production factories... the first 4 on the list above are made in Russia, but I'd also recommend these from the Mostochlehmash factory in Moscow:

1: Voshkod Teflon coated
2: Ladas (yellow / navy pack)
3: Gillette Rubie Platinum
4: Rapira Lux
5: Rapira Stainless

If there are any of those you want to try just PM an address. At the moment I don't have any Superthins. All the rest I have.
Be The Blade! The only way that you're going to really know if its the razor or you making the difference is to use the blade in a Shavette. Use your Parker and that way the length of the exposed edge and the flex will be a constant. The only thing you'll be judging is the quality of the blade.
hello - have the new polsilver super iridiums - (in the blue package) and i think they are amazing. they are are my 'go to' blade and i have bought a few of them ;) so i'd be up for a trade if you want to give them a go.

Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (Russian Yellow)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Stainless (Russian Green)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (Indian Black)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (Russian Blue)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Perma Sharp (Indian Green)
Gillette Super Thin Stainless - New Improved (China)
Astra SP

All of those are great blades IMO, i've bought the top 3 in bulk.

I'll be working my way through my non Gillette samples soon, which will take a long time.
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