The Fragrance Shop - Does Anyone Go There?

... or disappointed with strength, projection and longevity having mistaken aftershave for EDT. I've seen that countless times in online reviews on All Beauty.
There are a lot of extremely misleading and, at best, inaccurate reviews online. A lot of people just write bullshit. Sometimes, it can be difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Although I have been influenced by some of them, to my shame, it's a good idea to take them with a very large pinch of salt.
Scent or Smell is extremely subjective and what may be gopping to one person it may be reet with someone else.
You just need to get samples or use a tester spray!
What I like you may hate!
I do hope you don't think I'm a time waster, and I hope you now know that no online review can be taken as gospel because it wasn't your nose doing the smelling!


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I completely agree with you. It's all about personal preference, rather than wearing an aftershave or EDT purely for the benefit of others. For example, I wear Jovan Musk aftershave a lot and yet I don't personally know anyone else who likes it. Who is wrong, me or them? There will always be someone who doesn't like what I am wearing. As I said....personal preference is the key factor. not worry. I certainly do not think that you are a time waster. There are some good people on this forum, yourself included. I wouldn't waste my time reading or replying to posts or threads if I thought that!