the everlasting alum block!

I bought a new alum block with my latest straight as my 'old faithful' bloc osma is on its way out (too much use lol)

I bought a nice new Thiers-Issard alum block with my straight (I know I could have got it cheaper but it comes with a nice little box to keep it in and I couldn't be assed making 2 purchases)

Anyway, I had my shave as usual, took the block out of its box, admired it, ran it under the tap and rubbed it on my face. There was absolutely no sting at all and I noticed how smooth it was on my face (for a new block).

When I put it back in the box, happy I'd done a good job, I then realised that it was still shrink-wrapped in plastic :lol:

now then.......where did I put that facepalm pic????
Funniest thing is, I got a small nick and was surprised that it didn't sting when the alum touched it.

I was thinking that TI had managed to make some kind of special alum that didnt sting and that I would have to make a post on here about it :lol:

Instead I made this post making myself look a fool for everyones enjoyment :lol:
In fairness it was exquisitely shrink-wrapped!

I have not seen shrink wrapping of that quality since I bought some hand-made soap at our local craft market.

Funnily enough, It didnt lather very well initially :shock:
I also use alum block..though only with my str8 razors on my finger tips..I never get any nicks or for me the blade is thicker than DE blades..maybe thats why..also using a light touch :mrgreen:

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