The Darwin Razor

I hope I am wrong Steve, and that Rakhara is an honest man trying to make an honest living.
I don't like doubting people so much and it makes me feel guilty when I do, but either Rakhara hasn't thought this through or he is trying to fleece people. Hopefully it's the first, then at least he can have a rethink and get some advice.
I doubt i'd buy one if one was made as i think that anyone who looking to produce something to look like a darwin is just looking to cash in on its popularity and price so i doubt it would cost less than £200 or £300 could be even more as the amount of machining involved in producing the handle alone is not going to be cheap and same goes with the head unless they have their own machine shop if not then that will mean getting them made sub-contract and that won't be cheap unless there's a fair sized order placed and lets not forget cost of materials tooling etc it all adds up but as i said before i wouldn't buy one i'd rather have wait and hope i come upon a darwin than buy a copy....
daz said:
I hope I am wrong Steve, and that Rakhara is an honest man trying to make an honest living.
I don't like doubting people so much and it makes me feel guilty when I do, but either Rakhara hasn't thought this through or he is trying to fleece people. Hopefully it's the first, then at least he can have a rethink and get some advice.

I work near enough to Harrow so i have asked Rakhara for his address details and the details of his Engineers Workshop...........i can then go and discuss this venture
You want to borrow a Darwin Razor so you could make a replica with all the slosh slosh you have spilled, you really do not want to know what my line of work is, go back to the drawing board and come back when it has reached perfection because at the moment it is in a state of bull shit
Whilst we are at it, does anyone mind lending me a gold ingot as I am looking to make an exact replica out of balsa wood and gold lamé. I have a letter of recommendation from my mum and I attained my "Home Help" badge in cubs, so I'm sure you'll agree that my credentials are impeccable.
Why not check out the original Patent Drawings, not too hard to find?

Plus it keeps my Darwin safe at home, nice and cosy..............-))
can somebody lend me some jewel blades as iam going to start making them in shefield
i understand there's a market for them in the south of england

iam also hoping to make exact copies of the flying eagle razor if there is enough interest
I have heard that the combination of jewel blade and flying eagle razor is close to shaving nirvana. I can only guess how impressive a modern reproduction would be, using modern production techniques in your mam's shed.

Put me down for 12 dozen blades and 2 razors.
Brian, 3D scanners and printers are really fantastic bits of kit, but they have serious limitations.
The scanning usually gives you a surface to work with, then you have to use a 3D CAD package to manipulate it.
The printers are used for prototyping and the material is often contoured quite badly and needs a fair bit of post-processing. And its plastic, so ideal if you are using it for a casting, but the OP has already ruled that out.

Its quite funny that the scanning and printing are often put in the catagory of 'Reverse Engineering', which we all know is a polite way of saying.... copying. When the Chinese do it they are bad, when we do it, we are 'reverse engineering'.
Both great tools, but not really suitable in this case.

If the OP really does have a good engineer working on this project then I imagine all they would need is a vernier / micrometer, pen, paper and a fairly decent machine shop capable of doing very intricate machining operations.
This is the sort of thing a model builder would be great at.
And by 'model builder' I don't mean someone who does airfix kits, I mean someone who can create very small scale detail replicas. I know one such person and they are not cheap to get work done by.
I have to say that I share everybody's concerns about the OP and this project. The OP said when he introduced himself to the forum a few weeks ago that he was going to make handles only. Then he asked about Progress knobs but seemed not to know what everyone was talking about - hasn't he heard of Google? Now he wants to recreate a whole razor for which there is likely to be little demand.

I'd be a lot more likely to go along with things if he showed any real knowledge or understanding of what we do and why we are on this forum in the first place.

Include me out!

my jewel project proceeds at an alarming pace
i have just found my new premises for the project

its right at the end of my street, small but cosie, couple of storage shelves,free telephone
only probs are it smells of pee and sometimes the windows get smashed
cheers BT
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