The Ashes

chrisbell said:
At one stage I thought the Aussies were going to pull off an unexpected win, but Broad did the job when it was most needed.

I was only listening to TMS so don't know how much it was Broad or the Aussies losing their bottle, but either way I agree with Fido's last post.
Just been comparing Sir Ian Botham, who looks older than his age and shows signs of too much alcohol, and Shane Warne who looks as if he could still pull on a pair of whites and turn out for a first eleven. How he's managed to keep such perfect teeth, all of his hair and such young looking skin is incredible.
England changed their batting tactics in the second innings - much more positive. Broad was simply brilliant. The Don at his best would not have survived the ball that got Clarke. Cricket is a game impossible to predict. At 149-1 it was all over. Or so it seemed ......

So was I!

Can't quite tell if this is an ironic post, bearing in mind all the cosmetic work Liz Hurley has put Warney through, or serious. If it's ironic, well played sir.

Responding to the statement as if it was real, I'd have to point out that Warne's 43 and Botham is 57 - he's entitled to look a bit ragged around the edges. It's not alcohol - he's merely windswept from all those Land's End to John O' Groats walks

Of course I was jesting regarding Warne. Back to Botham though, when I saw him last night he had about a weeks growth and a semi-spikey hair cut - he should definitely leave that kind of thing to younger men - it does not look good with grey hair/whiskers, in fact it adds years in my opinion. I really do think that he looks older than his years and it's probably a combination of sun damage and the ravages of alcohol - he is a known 'connoisseur' of red wine, a taste he picked up from John Arlott apparently.

Wasn't there a big petition down under a couple of years ago along the lines of "Give us back our Shane". Cricket fans getting hacked of with Hurley's attempts of turning him into a big girls blouse.

Good to see you back Graeme.

As regards the return series I don't think the Aussies can improve enough in the time available to beat England. They bowled well enough but their batting is still very fragile so if they prepare batsmen friendly tracks this will just lead to a stalemate - as far as I can see.

However, they have already said that they want tracks that give a decent chance to both bat and ball - in which case, I think they are playing into England's hands because England's attacking bowlers are better as a unit than Australia's.

I forecast a closer result - with England not just retaining the ashes but winning the series as well.