The Ashes

Fido said:
Acute depression setting in. Do I have to go out on the Guzzi again?

And does anyone have the faintest idea of what I'm on about?

Yes Peter, it's called believing the hype. Just assume the worst will happen (in a sporting context) then you'll never be disappointed.
This is just not cricket, what is going on here, everytime I check the score line we have lost another wicket.

I klnow he's an Aussie but I would have liked to see Agar get his century, glad we finally got him out though, could have been there all afternoon otherwise.

It's all looking a bit dismal for England at the moment.
Lose the beard said:
It's all looking a bit dismal for England at the moment.

And it will remain so untill we disestablish the church and become a Republic! Meantime, we can enjoy another privatisation or two.


Never mind, the rugby will start again fairly soon!
This is a great test could spin either way.Well done Agar excellent knock, thought our bowlers had totally destroyed them. Still plenty to play for.....Dig innnnnn....there will be another twist methinks.
I remember us being down and out when Botham came to the wicket in the 1981 Headingley test. So nothing surprises me.
A great day's play. No predictions except that it seems unlikely to be a draw. But even that is possible.

Ain't sport grand? Pity Cav missed out. Looks like a new kid on the block.
On a spin bowling enthusiasts' forum, I stated that I reckoned Nathan Lyon would make an impact - not only was I wrong as to which spinner would be selected, I didn't even realise the spinner would stand-out as a batsman!
At 117 for 9 I was actually feeling sorry for the Australians. 163 runs later I was pig sick.

I'm off to the Isle of Wight to reduce the tension today. Might just tune in once or twice.
Now I'm no Aussie sympathiser, but I was willing for little Ashton to get a century, just as I was when Alex Tudor was stranded on 99 against New Zealand in (?) 1999. I was also delighted to see his reaction. So old school and genuine, top guy. I wish him all the very best.
As I grew up 10 mins from Warwickshire CCC very happy to see Belly knuckle down and dig us out of a hole. A top batsman, I was worried that he would become another Graham Hick. Happily not and great to see him being a rock.

I'll be at Lord's next Thursday, so will have a proper English shave beforehand and, hopefully, a great day.

Best wishes, my friends

I'm not quite sure what I think about Broad not walking. On the one hand (and particularly in the context of this game) I'm glad he hung around - but there's a small part of me that's ashamed of myself for being that way!

Whatever, it's sad that the traditional sportsmanship aspect, where players would assist the umpires, is disappearing - but there's no real difference between the fielding team appealing for LBW on a ball that's blatantly going down leg side and a batsman who's got lucky not walking. It's just the way sport is going, as ever more pressure rests on each result.

All that said - cracking game so far.
Broad's wicket that wasn't given is levelled out by Trott's non-wicket that was given. These things do even out in the end.

What an amazing first test so far, I'll be glued the next two days now that work is out of the way!
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